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Eliminating Adult Acne - What Are The Top Acne Cures For Grownups?

Health Articles | July 16, 2012

Acne is a bacterial skin infection which makes many youngsters lives amisery as they emerge as painful pus filled pimples or cysts over thefacial area but it could also cause a similar problem in a smallpercentage of adult population as well. If you are one of the people whois suffering from late onset acne then you are probably looking foradult acne remedies.

You should be aware that the reasons of the acne that you are experiencing are exactly the same as those producing teenage acne.

You can not control a few of the things that produce acne, like the genetic predisposition to acne problem or hormonal imbalances caused by such things as pregnancy or menstrual periods. You can, however, modify and control many of the other factors which can cause acne developing and for the acne which already exists there are numerous adult acne remedies you can use.

To avoid or minimize late onset acne from forming, you need to make sure that your diet is well balanced and healthy. Items such as fresh green vegetables, cold water oily fish and whole grain products will provide your body with Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants which are essential in fighting against and controlling free radical molecules and toxins so that the skin stays healthy and clear. Taking a daily supplement of multi-vitamin, essential nutrients and minerals is also recommended.

You need to consider how you handle personal hygiene when you are treating acne infections. Too much scrubbing can actually help increase the infection therefore you should use an exfoliating cloth or sponge and a gentle cleansing agent to clean the affected areas twice each day. After your daily work out session or any type of physical sport activity which causes you to sweat profusely it is an excellent idea to shower and change into a clean shirt. Acne bacteria can spread through clothing and bed linens therefore be sure that clothes that contact the skin, sheets and pillow cases are all laundered on a routine basis.

You can find quite a few natural and holistic adult acne remedies which are effective, safe to use and inexpensive. Vitamins A and B6 are known to help in balancing hormones in your body as well as strengthening the skin and that lessens the possibilities of acne formation. Azelaic acid is a plant based natural substance which helps to exfoliate the skin and it also destroys all the bacteria. Tea tree oil is yet another very effective antibacterial which will help to avoid acne from forming when applied topically on a routine basis.

Most of the preparations that can be bought over the counter at the local drug store are also useful adult acne remedies. The most common is benzoyl peroxide that works to dry up surplus oil on the skinFree Web Content, destroy the bacteria that causes acne and exfoliate a thin layer of skin helping to prevent infections of acne. This treatment often leads to irritation and skin dryness so it should be used carefully and a skin hydrating cream applied afterward. Yet another preparation which helps to purify and exfoliate the skin is salicylic acid. This substance is a bit milder than benzoyl peroxide therefore it does not work as fast or effectively but is recommended for people with sensitive skin.

If late onset acne in adults does not show any signs of improvement with over the counter or holistic treatment options then more powerful alternatives should be considered after consulting with your skin specialist. Vitamin A derivatives called Retinoids are effective at unblocking pores in the skin while cleansing it and furthermore helps to destroy the microorganisms that causes acne inflammations. In more serious cases an antibiotic might be prescribed by your health care provider in either a topical cream or an oral dose.

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Acne Hormone - Hormone Imbalance and Acne
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This Article was written by : Sean Thomas Saunders , Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at July 16, 2012 and was updated at


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