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Alarming Acne Facts - 4 Things You Must Know About Acne

ECommerce Articles | September 4, 2013

Whether you have acne or not, these are some important facts that you need to know and understand to help control your acne. The American Dermatologist Association finds that: 20% of all adults have active acne60 million Americans have active acne20 million Americans have acne badly enough to cause scars.Only 11% of acne sufferers seek helpAcne is considered a social taboo.

Whether you have acne or not, these are some important facts that you need to know and understand to help control your acne.

1- Alarming statistics

The American Dermatologist Association finds that: 20% of all adults have active acne60 million Americans have active acne20 million Americans have acne badly enough to cause scars.

Only 11% of acne sufferers seek helpAcne is considered a social taboo.

2- Affects for both teenagers and grown up adults

While primarily considered as the disease of teenage, "adult acne" really is a lot more widespread than you might imagine. It is believed that about 25 of adult men and up to as many as 50 of adult women are expected to suffer from adult acne at some point during their adult lives.

It really is a lot more common than you probably imagine and there is no reason to be ashamed by it. Adult men and women can suffer from adult acne at any age and it is not uncommon to see people of 40 suffering quite badly. Adult acne can be just as serious as teen acne causing depression and social anxiety in people of all ages and from all backgrounds.

3- Most affected zone

Acne typically appears on the 'T-Zone', forehead, nose and chin, but can occur elsewhere on the face, the scalp, neck, shoulders and chest.

4- Common problem

Acne, in general, is one of the most common medical problems in the world and it is estimated that 30 of all visits to dermatologists will be due to acne. However, because the world looks at acne as a teen problem they fail to realize the mental anguish that adult sufferers can face. Adult acne can lead to serious depression and social anxiety as grown men and women become afraid to go out in public.

What Makes Clear Skin Max The Most Effective Acne Treatment Available?

If you have battled acne blemishes and bad skin for even a short period of time then you know what a difficult and relentless task it is! If you are like me, you also have probably tried dozens of creams and snake oils only to find that none of them really got rid of the problem for good.Once you check this out and read the clear skin max reviews, you will quickly realize why it is different then the others. The reason that clear skin max works so much better than the other products out there is that it attacks acne not only on the surface but from the inside out.

While it isn't going work overnight, it will work fast and forever!

How Does Clear Skin Max Work?Clear Skin Max works in several ways to help consumers suffering from acne to attain clear complexions by:

- Cleansing the skin: It addresses acne by getting to the root of most acne problems by tackling oily skin buildup, cleansing the pores to prevent clogged pores, and to rid the skin of bacteria and dirt that acne thrives on.

- Prevention and Maintenance: It also works in the combination of ingredients to replenish damaged skin, restore ph balance in the skin, and prevent future breakouts from occurring.

- It also helps to renew the skin by treating redness, swelling, and irritation caused by acne and breakouts.

- Tackles the skin from the inside and out:It is also a complete skin care systemArticle Search, not just a single product but several which each play a role in combatting acne and revolutionizing the skin care and acne treatment market as we know it.It is more than a single product- It's an acne-fighting system!

Acne Remedy - Understanding the Top Causes to Help You Solve Your Acne Problem Fast
Understanding the cause of acne is the first step in finding an effective and efficient acne remedy for all the various types of acne that can be contracted.
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Acne Remedy - Understanding the Top Causes to Help You Solve Your Acne Problem Fast
Understanding the cause of acne is the first step in finding an effective and efficient acne remedy for all the various types of acne that can be contracted.
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Information On Acne And Things You Should Be Aware Of When Coping With It
Acne impacts many folks, particularly teens. Prior to attempting costly acne treatment solutions you may want to consider an acne home remedy solution which can often resolve your problem and is a lot less expensive!
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Information On Acne And Things You Should Be Aware Of When Coping With It
Acne impacts many folks, particularly teens. Prior to attempting costly acne treatment solutions you may want to consider an acne home remedy solution which can often resolve your problem and is a lot less expensive!
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This Article was written by : Sven Hylt%E9n-Cavallius, Discuss about ECommerce Articles, it was published at September 4, 2013 and was updated at


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