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Acne Warriors: The Good, The Bad, and The Just Plain Dangerous.

Health Articles | January 5, 2010

�Acne is a problem that will affect 85% of Americans at in a lifetime. Since a majority of us will be plagued with acne, being prepared is our only option.�The author examines the different type of acne treanments and ingreidents out there for consumption. She give the good, the bad, and the just plain dangerous of acne treatments.

��������������� Acne is a problem that will affect 85% of Americans at least once in a lifetime. With this statistic out and about, everyone is aware that at one point in our lives a pimple is going to be present somewhere on our bodies. So instead of waiting for the pimple to come, and possibly create more pimples in the process, we should all have some form of preventative treatment to use as a solider against possible acne.

��������������� With all the cleansers and creams available for consumption by the acne prone consumers, it is no wonder that acne still affects so many. We have too many options present and this leads us trying a new product all the just because we can, or applying acne creams or cleansers to our face that contain harmful additives. Both of these situations together will do nothing for the problem at hand; ridding our face of acne. One thing that our society is known for is the lack of patience we show on a daily basis. When it comes to treating a skin condition, or any other condition, that is caused by an internal force in our bodies, patience is the key to success.

��������������� Another key to success is being aware of what each acne product contains. Does your acne treatment contain Benzoyl Peroxide? If you answered yes to this question, my suggestion would be discontinue your usage immediately and look for another option. The reason I am so adamant about not using Benzoyl Peroxide is the fact that the side effects are overwhelmingly bad. Not only does this element dry out� and irritate the skin making your acne worse, it also causes free radicals which has the same effect as being out in the sun with no sun screen. And what have we learned about being in the sun with no sun screen on? Wrinkles and cancerous cells will develop quicker than if you take precautions. Cancer causing + Wrinkle causing + irritated and dry skin = a not so happy consumer. Benzoyl Peroxide should be avoided at all costs.

��������������� Now that we have talked about the bad and the dangerous, let�s focus on the good and pleasant ingredients out there. Additives like Shea Butter and Aloe Vera will aid in your battle against the acne causing bacterium on the skin. They are both great with irritated skin and both have a soothing quality to the user. �Niacinimide and Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate are other ingredients that work at a cellular level to kick start the healing process in your skin. What this means is that products with elements like these will get the root of the problem when dealing with acne. Plus, as of what I have read, no harmful side effects have been perceived in consumers.

��������������� Read for results is a phrase that I was taught in school and I think it could be directly related to skin care and beauty products. When you read your ingredients and understand what they will do for you and your body there is no way you can lose. We are all going to have to deal with acne and other skin aliments sometime in our lifeArticle Submission, but at least now we can be prepared.

Acne Treatments and Prevention Information
The market provides a solution for every individual. With the right treatment, you can keep acne under control. But what's the best acne treatment for you?. Many options are available, including prescription creams and antibiotics, which target the various causes of acne.
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Acne Scar Treatment
Acne scars develop after severe cases or when the acne has been forcibly picked or scratched. There are many types of acne scars, each entirely treatable.
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Acne Scar Treatment
Acne scars develop after severe cases or when the acne has been forcibly picked or scratched. There are many types of acne scars, each entirely treatable.
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Things You Should Know Before Using Acne Cream
Acne cream is one of the ways of dealing with acne prone skin. The market is filled with all kinds of creams that claim that they can help you get rid of acne.
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This Article was written by : Ava Rae Green, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at January 5, 2010 and was updated at


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