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Two Common Home Remedies Mask for Acne Scars

Health Articles | July 11, 2016

Acne is a common disease to people mostly those who are in their adolescent stage. This might be temporary due to hormonal changes happening in the body. However, there are those cases that worsen because of improper care and infection. Know and stopped your acne dilemma with these home remedies in curing acne scars and marks. Maintain that beauty free of acne and make a difference.

A skin disease called Acne Vulgaris is the top most common skin disease in the world. The result of this can lead to depression, anxiety, and even reduced self-esteem. People mostly can be affected by acne between the age of 12 to 25 years old. It usually hits the face but may also affect the back, chest ad neck.

Taking good care of your skin is an important aspect in maintaining a better you. However, nowadays, the market is bombarded with chemically processed products that promise to give a glowing skin. These chemical products can make the problem worst, in more cases. Try using some natural home remedies. It is much cheaper and can also help treat your condition without any side effects.

Here are the two home remedies for Acne Scars

Lemon with Honey Mask

Lemon is a natural bleach, and it can lighten up dark spots on the skin. It contains Vitamin C which is vital to a healthy skin�and also can help rebuilding collagen. Honey, on the other side, is perfect when treating Acne scars as well. It is proven as one of the best natural treatment for Acne Vulgaris according to research and can easily be seen in the kitchen.

Squeeze half of a whole lemon in the clean bowl and mix three tablespoons of Honey. Mix it until it looks like�water and not the sticky one. Apply to face with Acne Scars and leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash face with lukewarm water after. Apply every day in two-three weeks. You can see the difference after.

Lemon Baking Soda Mask

Lemon Juice bleaches out redness and destroys blackheads as well. Baking soda serves as a gentle exfoliant. However, in the 1930s, it was widely advertised as a "proven medical agent." These two is proven for treating Acne scars also.

Grab a small clean bowl and put a tablespoon�of lemon juice and two�tablespoons�of baking soda. Mix it until you get a nice yellowish paste.� But if you want it to be more like a paste or cream, add more lemon juice two to three until you’re contented with the thickness. Apply yellowish paste to the face and leave it 20-30 minutes. Wash face with lukewarm water after. Use every day for two to three weeks and see the difference.

It is normal to acne once in a while. You can get it due to stress or uncleaned dirt. There are always simple and easy ways to get rid of itArticle Search, though. Do not be too difficult for your skin. Thye are too sensitive and delicate.�

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This Article was written by : Blessed Hope, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at July 11, 2016 and was updated at


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