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Back Acne Treatment - Coping With Back Acne

Health Articles | March 7, 2008

� It appears on chest, back, and hips. Back acne is often quite stubborn. In severe cases, many nodules and cysts grow on the back, causing a lot of pain and inflammation. It is harder to treat acne o...

� It appears on chest, back, and hips. Back acne is often quite stubborn. In severe cases, many nodules and cysts grow on the back, causing a lot of pain and inflammation. It is harder to treat acne on the back than on the face.What Causes Back Acne?Like acne on the face, back acne is basically caused by hormonal imbalance. It is to a certain degree hereditary in nature. However, perspiration and tight-fitting clothes play a villainous role in causing acne on the back. Hence we see that physically active people suffer from it more often than others showing less physical activity. Tight-fitting clothing does not allow the perspiration to evaporate easily. This trapped sweat, mixed with the oil secreted by the sebaceous glands, causes the skin pores on the back to clog. The result is acne. To prevent acne, therefore, take a shower after you return from your active exercise.Treating Back AcneIf the back acne is of a stubborn nature, the doctor may get you an oral prescription of antibiotics like tetracycline or minocycline. The skin on back is tougher as compared to that on face. Accordingly, more aggressive products are used to treat acne on the back. These include products like Retin A cream or a ten-percent benzoyl peroxide wash. In even more sever cases, the drug Accutane is used in doses that are higher than those prescribed in facial acne.If the acne on the back is mild, personal care can alleviate the condition. Take a salicylic-acid-based cleanser and wash with it daily, soon after perspiring. Also, use benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid pad to wipe the affected area. This will kill bacteria that harbor the accumulated sweat. After this, use an alpha hydroxy acid-based body moisturizer, which brings about exfoliation of the skin but does not let the skin to dry out. To treat pimples, apply a salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide at night.Back Acne PreventionTo prevent acne attack on the back, wear clothes made of cotton and apply powder to keep the skin dry. Antiperspirants can also be used on the back but not when a tough physical exertion is going on. This is important because sweating is important to cool down the body or else overheating can harm you. Take care of cleanliness during work and sleep so as to keep the bacteria away. Shower after sweating. Develop the habit of changing your shirt at least twice a day. This helps avoid bacteria.

Get Rid Of Acne � Now
Have you tried all types of medication from your doctor to try to get rid of acne, but still can't get clear skin? If you have visited a doctor he will probably have told you that acne and diet aren't connected.Is this information accurate?This article will help you know how to get rid of acne
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Skin health properties of cod liver oil
Since acne is an issue for people all over the world, there are many types of acne treatments, acne medications and acne products in the market. But most people are looking towards natural remedies for acne now, instead of the expensive products available in the market to get rid of this problem.
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Acne � Home Remedies And Prevention
Acne is a common skin disease that causes pimples. Anyone can get acne,but it is common in teenagers and young adults. It is not serious, butit can cause scars. The exect causes of acne are not known.
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Acne Hormone - Hormone Imbalance and Acne
Acne is a major skin disease which afflicts both teenagers and adults although it's usually more common in teenagers. The culprit is our hormones and acne is triggered by the action of hormones on the oil glands of the skin. These oil glands are commonly known as the sebaceous glands. When these glands are disturbed, the skin gets a greasy look and when this occurs, our skin is more proned to acne. It can also get itchy increasing the chances of getting acne more. The skin pores will become blocked and clogged by the oil or sebum and this condition is highly susceptible for acne as the pores can open as hard plugs. The end result is acne.
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This Article was written by : Ricky Hussey, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at March 7, 2008 and was updated at


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