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What Kind Of Help With Acne Do You Want?

Health Articles | December 20, 2011

Some times we don�t know how to help with acne. Dermatologist, nutritionist, doctors are sometime stomped. So why is this? Why is acne so hard to get rid of on some people? Well it turns out that acne has so many different causes and each person�s cause can be different from others. But for sure liver issues are always present when someone has acne. Checkout this information on liver and acne.

Do you need help with acne? So many people are in need of help with acne. There are so many different physical and emotional issues that can contribute to acne. One of these issues is the liver. One of the functions the liver has is to cleanse your blood of toxins. Another is to control the distribution and control of hormones. Both of these functions when they get out of control can lead to acne.

The liver functions to cleaning up the blood as it comes from the small intestine, colon, lungs, and lymphatic system. Once detoxified, this blood moves into your body to provide minerals, vitamins, various nutrients and oxygen to your cells.

If your liver is overloaded with toxins it can create acne. Since you take in so many toxins from the food you eat and the air you breathe, the liver has a hard time neutralizing these toxins. The result is your going to need help with acne.

If you are constipated, this adds another load to the liver, which eventually leads to the excretion of these toxins through your skin and face. Excessive toxins coming out through your skin can lead to acne and other skin disorders - rashes, eczema. If you skin is excreting toxins through your pores your will need help with acne.

All cellular wastes, used up hormones and excess hormones pass through your liver through your lymphatic system. Once in the liver, the liver starts the detoxifying process. If the liver is overloaded with toxins, it will start to store these toxins in its own cells, in the cells of your organs, in your joints, in your skin, or any other place where the body is weak.

When your body produces and excess of hormones, such as androgens, the liver cannot neutralize the excess. When this happens, these hormones can accumulate in the pores of your face or other skin locations. There they cause an over production of sebum that piles up in the hair follicle. This pile up can become infected, plug up the follicle and cause acne.

You can use fiber to keep your liver healthier. Eating natural fiber every day can keep your colon clean and free of constipation. In the colon, fiber traps excess hormones and prevent them from being reabsorbed into your blood through your colon walls. This reduces the creation of acne and gives you help with acne.

If you are a typical eater, you most likely have been surviving on junk food. You eat food that comes in packages of all sorts and in cans and bottles of all shapes. The quantity of toxic chemical and non-food additives that are in these foods accumulates in your colon, your liver, your blood, and in your face as toxins that need to be neutralized and eliminated.

All junk food and processed food is detrimental to your health and to your face. Once you stop punishing yourself and forcing your body to process toxic food products, you will have a chance of clearing your colon, liver, blood and the blemished conditions of your face.

As you continue to eat junk and fatty foods, the liver becomes congested and weak. It will not produce enough bile to properly digest the fats you eat. In addition, less bile creates constipationFree Articles, since it stimulates peristaltic movement in the colon. Eat healthier food and help your liver stay active and strong. This will reduce any problems you might have with acne and one of the best help with acne that you can give yourself.

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This Article was written by : Rudy Silva, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at December 20, 2011 and was updated at


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