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What is the Best Cure Acne Treatment for You?

Health Articles | November 10, 2009

Topical treatments? Antibiotics? Accutane? How do you decide which is the best cure acne treatment for you? It depends on the severity of your acne symptoms. If you have mild acne you might get away with attacking your pimples topically, but if you have moderate to severe acne, you are going to have to go deeper and examine holistic treatments that cure your underlying problem.

There are many "cure acne" treatment optionsavailable today. Some, such as Accutane, are only available byprescription through a dermatologist, while many are purchased over thecounter or over the internet. There are even some bizarre home remediesthat can have you reaching into your spice rack looking for a quickfix. I warn you - use some common sense before you spread sugary oracidic liquids all over your face. Not every cure acne treatment iscreated equally!

The good news is that we know much more aboutacne than we used to. Acne is caused by androgen hormones, not poorhygiene. If you have moderate or severe acne, you should choose a cureacne treatment that focuses on this hormonal cause. If you have mildacne, you may get way with a simple topical treatment. Let's break itdown in terms of how severe your skin condition is:

Light (mild) acne.You have some blackheads and whiteheads. You get the occasionalbreakout, but your pimples tend to be near the surface and clear up ina few days. If this sounds like you, congratulations - you're one ofthe lucky ones! In this case, over the counter products should be allyou need. Try a benzoyl peroxide gel at 2.5% strength. Don't be fooledinto stronger formulations - they are not more effective, except atirritating your skin and separating you from your money!

Apply athin B.P. film once in the morning and again right before bed. Don'tspot-treat. Spread it over the area that is prone to acne. For a littleextra punch, use the gel in combination with a salicylic acid cream.This helps the benzoyl peroxide penetrate more deeply into your pores.Expect your skin to improve in a month, but remember: if you stop yourtreatments you are back to square one.

Moderate to severe acne.If you have regular outbreaks and your pimples are deeper and takelonger to clear, topical treatments won't do much good for you. Butthere are some cure acne treatments that can be very effective. If youare a woman, you can attack the underlying hormonal cause of acne byundergoing hormone treatments such as taking estrogen rich birthcontrol pills. If you opt to take hormones for your acne, you will needto consult your doctor.

Another option for men and women is adrug called Accutane. This is a very effective cure acne treatment butalso a very powerful drug with serious side effects. In fact, Accutanewas recently removed from the U.S. market because of the cost oflawsuits related to side effects. You must be closely monitored by adoctor while you are on this treatment. One disappointing feature ofAccutane is that it will inflame your skin and your pimples while youare on it. Your face will actually get worse and your lips will be rawand sensitive. Accutane is a longer term solution, but keep in mindthat you will look worse for up to a year or longer depending on thenumber of cycles you take.

Because most people are notenthusiastic about the prospect of "laying low" for such a long periodof time while on Accutane, a holistic approach is perhaps the best cureacne treatment for people with moderate to severe acne. Holisticapproaches correct the hormonal causes of acne through changes to dietand lifestyle. You can expect to see some improvement in only a weekand clear skin in only a few months. The best thing about holistictreatments is that you do not have to see a doctor or take expensiveand harsh drugs. Maybe this is why your dermatologist will probablyhesitate to recommend the holistic approach. Still, it has helped manythousands of people effectively beat their acne and is a cost effectiveapproach as well.

I recommend that people explore the holisticapproaches before taking a drug such as Accutane. If you can clear youracne yourself, without harsh drugs, and experience better overallhealth in the process, it's really a no-brainer. When you areconsidering a powerful drug like Accutane, you owe it to yourself toexhaust your other options first. You may be able to spare yourself theaggravation that comes with AccutaneFree Reprint Articles, and be rewarded with clear skinin the process!

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What is the Best Cure Acne Treatment for You?
Topical treatments? Antibiotics? Accutane? How do you decide which is the best cure acne treatment for you? It depends on the severity of your acne symptoms. If you have mild acne you might get away with attacking your pimples topically, but if you have moderate to severe acne, you are going to have to go deeper and examine holistic treatments that cure your underlying problem.
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Do You Make These Mistakes When Treating Acne?
Acne is the most distressing skin problem one can go through .� It is estimated that� 90% of men and women have dealt with acne at some time in their lives . Acne, unlike other skin problems affect people much more deeply. Part of the problems lies in�� wrong beliefs� on what causes� pimples and how to treat it. This article will highlight some of these mistakes made in dealing with acne.
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Are You Trying to Get Rid of Acne? Try a Diet for Acne Today
If you've pumped hundreds of dollars into getting rid of your acne like I have, maybe it's time to stop and evaluate how good of a job those products are doing your skin.� If you have to buy a prescription medication, whether it be an oral or topical one, chances are you're only compounding your acne problem and getting yourself into an expensive drug habit.� Instead of causing your body and your skin even more problems, I strongly encourage you to wein yourself off those harmful medications and think about switching to a diet for acne.
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This Article was written by : Erica Jennings, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at November 10, 2009 and was updated at


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