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What Causes Pimples And The Acne No More Treatment

Health Articles | September 19, 2012

Acne can be a difficult time in aperson's life. �The presence of acne isnormally evident once you enter puberty better known as early adolescents. Thescary thing about acne is that, some people suffer from mild acne while othersmay suffer from a more severe case. Since acne can affect the face, neck, backand even chest, it can be a really difficult time for the sufferer oftenleading to bullying and a change in social lifestyle.�

Acne can be a difficult time in aperson's life. �The presence of acne isnormally evident once you enter puberty better known as early adolescents. Thescary thing about acne is that, some people suffer from mild acne while othersmay suffer from a more severe case. Since acne can affect the face, neck, backand even chest, it can be a really difficult time for the sufferer oftenleading to bullying and a change in social lifestyle.

Severity of acne can depend on several factors.I would like to go over some of the leading causes of acne in a person's life.Once we determine the cause, we can start to address the treatments that areavailable.

Puberty or Hormonal Changes

This phase as puberty usuallystarts around the age of 13 to 25, however some people can start puberty eitherearlier or even later. Sometimes people even end this phase before the age of25 or later. During this part in life, your body goes through many chemicalchanges mostly hormonal imbalance. The increase in male sex hormones calledandrogens cause the follicular glands to grow larger and make more sebum. Thegland are responsible for producing sebum which is a combination of oil andskin cells. When these cells enter the surface of the skin, you begin todevelop acne. The presence of increase production of sebum without the righttreatment measures can lead to acne and depending on the sebum level, acneseverity can be assessed.

�With the extra production of sebum yourfollicles can become blocked and this is when the bacteria and oil start toblock the natural cleansing of toxins from within the skin.

Your Diet

Many people are not aware thatthe food they consume can cause acne to form on the skin. Much of the food we eatcan cause your hormone levels to increase causing increased production ofsebum, the chemical responsible for acne breakouts.

Dairy like whole milk can causeacne because the cows used during milk processing may be pregnant and alreadyhave high levels of hormones. Consume this milk will cause an imbalance in yourhormone levels by either boosting your hormone levels or increase your sugarlevels which directly influences your hormone levels. Here's a tip, if yousuffer from acne, keep a close eye on the fat content of the dairy productsthat you are purchasing.

Refined Carbohydrates whichconsist of �grains and refined sugars canbe very bad for acne sufferers. These sugars can increase the sugar levels inthe blood which leads to an hormonal imbalance. The problem with refined carbsis that the machinery used to process these carbs stripes away the nutrientsand removes important vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are great for cleansingthe blood and cleaning the skin. Since the nutrients are missing from therefined grains, they enter the blood stream very quickly causing a sudden spikein blood sugar levels causing a quick onset of acne breakouts.

Stress And Anxiety

Stress over the years can play a crucial role in your life. The negativeeffects of stress has been known to cause many of the deadly diseases. Heartattacks, cancer, hair loss and many more all come from lifestyle stress.Another common attribute of stress is acne breakouts. Stress can cause manyinternal changes within the human body starting with the obvious which ishormonal changes. During puberty, we are already experiencing higher thannormal stress levels and the onset of stress just aggravates this condition.Stress is boosting your hormonal levels more leading to extra product of sebumfurthermore leading to acne.

Secondly, stress interferes with your sleeping pattern. During sleep thehuman body is responsible for balancing hormone levels and your immune systemis hard at work detoxing and cleansing your body. Since stress can decrease thefunction of your immune system by 40%, you are decreasing the chances of yoursystem cleaning bacteria from your skin. Your acne may take longer to clear upor even may flare up due to hormonal increases.

Genetics ��

There is not much knowledge about how genetics play a role in severity ofacne but research has shown that it does play a role. If you have a long familyhistory of severe acne than you are most likely to suffer from acne yourself. Itis thought that since androgen gland releases hormones called sebum anddepending on the levels released this determines your acne severity. If yourfamily has a history of severe acne, it can be related to increased levels ofsebum in the blood. This can have a direct impact on your hormone levels andhow much is released into your blood stream blocking your follicles.

To get a better understanding, it's like male pattern baldness, if yourfamily history has seen males in your family losing hair at an early ageArticle Submission, youare most probably going to suffer the same fate.�

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When you're suffering from mild, moderate, or severe acne, the one thing that's on your mind all day long is to find an acne cure remedy.� As your fellow acne sufferer, I know how difficult it is to discover an acne treatment that really works and doesn't cost an arm and a leg.� Well, I've conducted a lot of trials with various products on my skin, and have found that there are a number of things that can work, for a time, and quite a few that don't.
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Acne Cure Remedy: Find Out What's Causing Your Acne and Eliminate It
When you're suffering from mild, moderate, or severe acne, the one thing that's on your mind all day long is to find an acne cure remedy.� As your fellow acne sufferer, I know how difficult it is to discover an acne treatment that really works and doesn't cost an arm and a leg.� Well, I've conducted a lot of trials with various products on my skin, and have found that there are a number of things that can work, for a time, and quite a few that don't.
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An acnecream treatment could be all you need to clear your acne. It's probably thesimplest of all acne solutions, it's inexpensive and it does work! Finding theright one is the only problem.
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Homemade Acne Treatment as a Cost-Effective Cure for Acne
As frequently true, acne manifests usually in the period of adolescence and disappears before reaching adulthood; on the other hand, there can be individuals who still endure the consequences of acne even after they are in the middle 20's.
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This Article was written by : Rizvan Ullah, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at September 19, 2012 and was updated at


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