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Acne Care During Pregnancy: 3 Preventive Steps To Restrict Breakout

Health Articles | April 9, 2007

If your skin is prone to acne or you have had serious acne outbreaks earlier and you plan to get pregnant, you may consult a doctor regarding your acne problem before your actually get pregnant.

The chances of acne breaking out is very high in the first three months of pregnancy because the hormonal changes that place during this time are quite substantial, especially progesterone. Progesterone enhances the secretions of the skin. The oil glands get very active, which makes it easier for the bacteria to flourish and cause acne breakouts.

However, the acne problem during pregnancy is temporary in nature and as soon as the hormonal level comes down to normal, they tend to vanish without a trace. So, you need not worry.

The Caution

If your skin is prone to acne or you have had serious acne outbreaks earlier and you plan to get pregnant, you may consult a doctor regarding your acne problem before your actually get pregnant. This would ensure that you are well prepared with useful medical advice before it is time for an acne outbreak.

This preparation is important because unlike the normal acne outbreak, the outbreak during pregnancy cannot be treated with strong medicines. This is because strong antibiotics may harm the baby, which is the last thing you want. The treatments, therefore, has to be far milder. And if you are prepared, you could take certain preventive steps to ensure that the acne outbreak does not get too serious.

A) The first and the foremost, start drinking as much water as you can because it keeps the skin hydrated and helps skin cells flush out waste more efficiently. Moreover, during pregnancy skin is more likely to dry than in normal condition. So, drinking lots of water helps.

B) Add more fruits and vegetable to your daily diet. Eating raw vegetables is especially useful. Drinking water and eating fruits and vegetable would not only help you prevent acne outbreak but would also improve your over all health.

C) Take special care of hygiene. Wash your face with plain, running water as often as you can, and use mild cleanser as a face wash a couple of times in the day. Do not use too much of cleanser because that may have a drying effect on your skin. If your skin is oily, use clay masks. They are very useful in absorbing excessive oil.

Taking good care of yourself would ensure that acne troubles you the least in those special days.

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This Article was written by : Kanishkm, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at April 9, 2007 and was updated at


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