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How to Stop Acne by Keeping Fit

Health Articles | September 18, 2010

If you are suffering from acne and want to get rid of it as soon aspossible so that you can get your once acne free skin back, then it isthe best way to keep healthy. As we know, acne is a signal which tellsus that there is something wrong with our body.

If you are suffering from acne and want to get rid of it as soon aspossible so that you can get your once acne free skin back, then it isthe best way to keep healthy. As we know, acne is a signal which tellsus that there is something wrong with our body. To keep our body normalor healthy, we must make sure that our organs in the body are normal andhealthy. Typically, three of them are the most important when it comesto eliminating pollutants and wastes out of the body. Specifically, theyare intestines, the kidney and the liver. When they function well, ourskin goes well. When they malfunction, our skin will have to undertakethe heavy task of detoxifying, which often resulted in acne and pimples.

Takecare of the digestive system. The signal of the intestines detoxifyingis bowel movement. Water is the best thing to make the bowel movementstay healthy. It is recommended to drink 8 glasses of filtered water.Drinking tap water directly is not recommended. Neither is drinking bulkamount of water once. Just keep a glass of water on your desk and take amouthful once a while. Don't forget to refill your glass promptly whenit is empty. When this good habit goes for a week or two, you will feeldynamically energized. That is time when you can really say that you arecompletely healthy.

Look after the kidney. We all know thatkidney is the organ to generate urine, which is part of our metabolism.Through the kidney, much waste substance is expelled outside. However,foods that have high content of salt, sugar and protein can impact thekidney health. So eating healthy is very important to keep this organfit. Remember this principle when you are choosing what to eat: Raw foodis better than cooked food. It helps much if you can involve a saladinto your diet everyday. Tomato is believed to be a very good vegetablefor kidneys when it is cooked. Now that we get that out, let's take alook at another organ that is very important as far as detoxification isconcerned.

Liver is one of the most important detox mechanismsinside our body. It is also the very organ that is believed to relievethe skin's load of detoxification. In order to understand how to keepthe liver well, we should know how this organ works. Scientists tell usthat the liver works at its peak at midnight while we are deeply asleep.So the first thing that you should ensure that you do is going to sleepbefore midnight. Due to the rich night life in modern daysArticle Search, it'sdifficult to do that. But sitting up late is really not good for ourhealth in the long run.

Three Steps to an Anti Acne Diet That Will Get Rid of Your Acne
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How to Stop Acne by Keeping Fit
If you are suffering from acne and want to get rid of it as soon aspossible so that you can get your once acne free skin back, then it isthe best way to keep healthy. As we know, acne is a signal which tellsus that there is something wrong with our body.
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This Article was written by : Saturnino Ernst, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at September 18, 2010 and was updated at


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