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Triggers and Various Treatments of Acne

Health Articles | July 19, 2010

Although common, acne is a serious skin disorder that affects not only the skin but also self confidence. The impact of acne is far more widespread, more than what we see on the skin. You may have asked this question before. "Why am I still breaking out?" This article will help you avoid some of the causes and minimize the recurring of acne.

No wonder people are confused. It doesn't take long before you realize there are many misleading information spreading around. Why is it so tricky? What is the true cause of acne? What is so hard about clearing the skin?

Unfortunately, the causes of acne vary. Perhaps you could say that everyone is different. That is why one treatment that works well may fail completely for another person. Although some products are claiming to be an ultimate solution, those are just marketing ploys.

For mild cases of acne, a generic product may work. But in many other cases, you must understand the real cause before proceeding. Let's debunk some myths. Many people still believe acne is caused by dirty skin. It doesn't. Along with other factors, dirt can trigger acne, but not directly causing it to appear at any particular time.

For female where hormonal changes are more often, they may notice that it causes acne. Some people notice acne breakouts while on medication. You should talk to your doctor before stopping any medication.

Some experts believe that contrary to what we think, acne is not caused by any particular food or diet style. But there are many evidence that foods may have an impact and make acne cases worse. The truth is somewhere in the middle. Food has the potential to trigger acne. Blaming on certain food doesn't help unless you already know the cause behind your acne.

If you are not convinced yet that every case of acne is unique, research showed that genes are also a factor. Immune system and as I said, hormonal imbalance, are also two things that make it different from one person to another.

Now, generic acne treatment may work. For certain, especially mild cases of acne, it is possible to get rid of acne just by applying acne cream. At other times, it doesn't do anything to improve the condition, because the true problems are still there to cause future breakouts.

It is easy to think that once you handle the blemished area, the problem is gone. More importantly are things that you don't see. Regular exercises, stress management and activities that can improve your health. Those are things you can do to minimize the risk. You may not see any direct correlation between them. It takes persistence and it is hard but this is where you can get permanent results.

Sometimes it is not easy to figure out one single factor that may be causing your acne. It may be a sign of other problems that may not be so obvious unless you do complete medical checkup. You cannot get clear skin by treating it from outsideFree Articles, but more about what happens inside the thin layer.

Triggers and Various Treatments of Acne
Although common, acne is a serious skin disorder that affects not only the skin but also self confidence. The impact of acne is far more widespread, more than what we see on the skin. You may have asked this question before. "Why am I still breaking out?" This article will help you avoid some of the causes and minimize the recurring of acne.
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Everything about Acne and Treatments for Acne that are Guaranteed to Work.
What is common to the age group between 12 and 17 apart from teen tantrums and high school crushes? The answer has to be acne. All teenagers have it in some form or the other and some even carry it over into adulthood, with consequences severe enough to merit a visit to the physician. Americans spend an astronomical amount on acne treatment.
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Triggers and Various Treatments of Acne
Although common, acne is a serious skin disorder that affects not only the skin but also self confidence. The impact of acne is far more widespread, more than what we see on the skin. You may have asked this question before. "Why am I still breaking out?" This article will help you avoid some of the causes and minimize the recurring of acne.
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Triggers and Various Treatments of Acne
Although common, acne is a serious skin disorder that affects not only the skin but also self confidence. The impact of acne is far more widespread, more than what we see on the skin. You may have asked this question before. "Why am I still breaking out?" This article will help you avoid some of the causes and minimize the recurring of acne.
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This Article was written by : Janey Robinson, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at July 19, 2010 and was updated at


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