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Root Cause Of Acne - How To Get Clear Skin

Health Articles | July 17, 2012

If you suffer from acne do you access to treatment and information that will help you get clear skin? Written by an acne specialist, this article shows how to treat acne naturally. It is truly a fresh approach to acne. Read this to find out how you can get rid of acne and get clear skin.

If you suffer from acne you want to know how to get clear skin and get rid of acne for good and what is the best acne treatment. Now on the Internet an acne sufferer will find much advice and conflicting ideas on the subject. Where can a person who suffers from acne know that the advice he/she gets can be trusted and will be an effective treatment to help him get rid of acne?

My approach to acne is a totally fresh one. Why has this been necessary? You will be interested to find out why.

There are for sale many e-books that have been written by ex-acne sufferers. However, ask yourself the question: are these really the facts on acne? Or maybe it more truthful that their advice is just what they personally have experienced and what they have heard from doctors? Many of the clients who come to my clinic have read these books also. My clients followed the restricted diets and some started having even more health difficulties because they had to eat apples for three days. It would be prudent to question the information that was written and presented.

I have read lots of e-books which make a connection with dairy and acne. What does my experience in treating acne in many clients show? There is a strong link with acne and dairy Why many say that is because of the hormones in dairy products. Is this true? Do the hormones in dairy products cause acne?

Over the years I have worked with hundreds of acne sufferers and I have seen that the cause of acne is not hormones in dairy products. This can sound strange because usually it is thought that acne is mostly a problem affecting teenagers. Think about this: some women get acne only during certain times of the month, however if hormones are the culprit � then why don't all women experience acne then? Why do some acne sufferers have it their whole life? Are these acne sufferers more affected by hormones than other sufferers, or we not challenge the hormone theory?

For example � milk produced by cows. These claims are seemingly backed up by the advice from doctors. The publications state that the milk containing hormones is creating the acne. After years of treating people with acne, I can state that this is not true. First, the body only develops one type of spot when milk products are the cause. This doesn't cause all spots. Secondly, by introducing to the diet supplements to assist in lactose digestion then the spots stop. So time and time again it is proved that dairy products: doesn't cause all acne, and secondly the problem is connected with the body not digesting lactose in dairy products.

Under the heading 'acne' all types of spots have been lumped together. In reality like a rash, spots come in all shapes and sizes and this is repeated with each person. Knowing about that was the first step which helped me identify types of spots and then find the link with underlying health issues. Then I can work on addressing the underlying issues of each spot, one at a time, until the skin is spot free. This is the manner in which all acne sufferers should be treated. There doesn't exist a 'one solution' fits all for acne treatment.

Is there a connection between acne and diet? Absolutely, but there are exceptions. I have treated some clients who already enjoy a healthy diet - no dairy products, little carbohydrates, avoiding sugar and no meat � but still they experience daily occurrence of spots develop. I can then conclude that their diet isn't really the cause of their acne. Unquestionably each person needs to enjoy a healthy diet. However other factors can be causing the problem and these sometimes can be serious. In reality all acne cases are serious issues in the body and should be treated accordingly. Just by following a peculiar diet that a person has found online will only result in 'nursing' the acne issue and doesn't do anything to address the root causes.

Before parting with your hard-earned cash on any 'miracle cure' e-bookArticle Search, please ask yourself: "How many people as this person treated?" Are they just interesting in making some quick cash? Only by treating a wide range of clients on an individual basis can acne truly be understood.

This is why my approach to acne is a completely fresh approach. I will be able to get to the root cause of each type of spot and will help each acne sufferer get clear skin and get rid of acne for good and naturally.

Top Five Best Acne Solution Options You Need to Solve Your Acne Problem
Acne is no fun for anyone at any age.� If you have (or had) acne as a teenager, chances are you will have at least a few breakouts as an adult.� Sometimes even the best acne solution isn't enough to completely get rid of your acne by the time you turn 21.� The same productions going on in your body when you were going through puberty will often come back to torment you as an adult, and it can be worse the second time around.�
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Top Five Best Acne Solution Options You Need to Solve Your Acne Problem
Acne is no fun for anyone at any age.� If you have (or had) acne as a teenager, chances are you will have at least a few breakouts as an adult.� Sometimes even the best acne solution isn't enough to completely get rid of your acne by the time you turn 21.� The same productions going on in your body when you were going through puberty will often come back to torment you as an adult, and it can be worse the second time around.�
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Top Three Best Acne Treatments for Teen and Adult Acne
When you're looking for the best acne treatments, you need to consider what you shouldn't take as much as what you should take.� In several cases, the cure for the acne disease is often worse than dealing with the acne itself.
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Top Three Best Acne Treatments for Teen and Adult Acne
When you're looking for the best acne treatments, you need to consider what you shouldn't take as much as what you should take.� In several cases, the cure for the acne disease is often worse than dealing with the acne itself.
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This Article was written by : Scott Gibson, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at July 17, 2012 and was updated at


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