Have you tried all types of medication from your doctor to try to get rid of acne, but still can't get clear skin? If you have visited a doctor he will probably have told you that acne and diet aren't connected.Is this information accurate?This article will help you know how to get rid of acne
It is true that in finding a cure for acne there has been much talk if acne and diet are linked. An acne sufferer will find on the Internet, what he thinks, is a site offering authoritative information But is this the best method? In the UK the NHS (National Health Service) website states clearly "There is no evidence that diet plays a role in acne" Eating a healthy balanced diet is suggested as a result of it's smart for your heart and your health in general. But, it will not cure your acne� If you search on the internet �diet and acne� you will find this statement repeated over and over again. So the question is, is this medical opinion or hard facts? It�s an important question to answer, especially if you want to get rid of acne.
The Link Between Acne and Diet.
New research is now finding out that acne and diet are definitely linked but there are some exceptions. Research also proves that by a person adjusting his diet, he/she is able to get rid of acne quickly, but sometime this doesn't work for everyone. A person may have a balanced diet and eat the proper amount of vegetables and fruit, and still have spots and pimples, so why do they keep appearing?
Acne and Diet - What is the Link?
Every person should eat a nutritious diet with the right amount of nutrients. This ensures that the body has everything it need for the proper function of the body's organs and to allow nutrients to be absorbed.
On occasion acne suffer could find himself in the position that he already enjoys a very healthy diet with lots of fruit and veg, but still can't get clear skin. So how, then is acne and diet related?
For some acne sufferers, of no fault of their own, they have inherited bad bacteria, mutated yeast or in some cases even parasites that have caused the skin problem, the diet therefore is not at fault but it is the body�s inability to absorb the nutrients that is the problem.
Some acne sufferers have problems when they start using make-up. It can be that certain skin care problems start when using skin whitening products or sun block which can often cause skin issues. Sometimes without realising this people make changes to their diet, which sometimes are unnecessary.
In most, but not all, diet and acne are linked. The clue is in the type of spot that is appearing.
What is the Cure For Acne
Acne is the body�s way of showing that either something is wrong inside or that the skin is reactiing to something from the outside.
Get Rid of Acne - The Natural Solution
To cure acne properly and get clear skin every acne sufferer needs to get to the root source of the problem. Each person is different. Taking that into consideration is why the Elaine Mummery Acne Clinic only treats persons on an individual basis. So, do you want to get rid of acne and get clear skin?
How To Treat Those Unsightly Acne Scars
Acne is bad enough by itself but for those people who are left with permanent acne scarring the problem seems to be never ending. However, there are a number of very effective treatments available for acne scars.
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Acne Hormone - Hormone Imbalance and Acne
Acne is a major skin disease which afflicts both teenagers and adults although it's usually more common in teenagers. The culprit is our hormones and acne is triggered by the action of hormones on the oil glands of the skin. These oil glands are commonly known as the sebaceous glands. When these glands are disturbed, the skin gets a greasy look and when this occurs, our skin is more proned to acne. It can also get itchy increasing the chances of getting acne more. The skin pores will become blocked and clogged by the oil or sebum and this condition is highly susceptible for acne as the pores can open as hard plugs. The end result is acne.
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Get Rid of Acne - Nutritional Guideline Tips That Can Help End Your Acne Worries Forever
If you want to get rid of acne, you have probably explored all the standard and natural remedies for the condition. Another avenue to consider is the nutritional component of the treatment for acne.
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Acne Care: What To Include Or Exclude In Your Diet?
The researches conducted in this regard have concluded that food do not necessarily cause acne though some kinds of food can help prevent acne and assist to get rid of acne.
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This Article was written by : Scott Gibson, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at June 2, 2012 and was updated at
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