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Acne Natural Cure - Easy and Effective Ways to Stop Acne

Health Articles | September 11, 2006

Have you ever wondered what people used to treat acne before all cleansers and antibiotics appeared on the market? With so many acne medications available online and from a local supermarket, many people don�t even think of acne natural cure. However, most commercial cleansers are harsh on your face, not to mention that trying several of them to find the right one for you would cost a fortune. You would be surprised how many products from an average person kitchen can serve as effective natural acne cure.

There are many natural acne remedies; the only trick is to find one that would work for your skin type. Unfortunately, here you will have to experiment and see what works and what doesn't. We offer you several recipes of acne home treatment. Try them and see which will help to clear your skin.

Natural acne remedies to clean your skin

A wash of milk with lime is a great treatment for blackheads. First bring a glass of milk to a gentle boil, and then add juice from half a lime. When the milk cools down it makes a great face wash. You can store it in the fridge for a couple days.

A raw potato is cheap and brilliant acne natural cure, especially for whiteheads. The vitamin C makes your skin glow, and alkaline in the potato kills the bacteria on your face. The potato also has an exfoliating effect helping you to get rid of dead skin cells. Papaya fruit produces similar effect; you should also use it raw.

Natural moisturizers for skin with acne problem

Remember, that even the most gentle and natural products to clean your face leave your skin a bit dry, so it needs a moisturizer. Almond oil is an excellent way to re-hydrate skin after using an acne natural cleanser. Grind 7-8 almond nuts (not fried of course) with a little bit of water. Spread the paste on your face and let it stay for a few minutes. Then gently wash it off with water. Another good natural moisturizer is buttermilk or low fat, non flavored yogurt.

One important thing to remember about all natural acne remedies as well as all natural skin care products, is that since you don't use any preservatives, you will have to store them in a fridge. It is also best to use it within 2-3 days, otherwise the product starts spoiling and you can infect your skin and make acne problem even worth.

Some people think that acne is related to your diet. Pizza, chocolate and other foods with a lot of oil are blamed, but in fact there is no evidence that foods cause acne or make them worse. However, adding fresh fruit to your diet seems to help many people to clrear their faces. Possible reason is vatamins and minirals that fresh fruit contains. So keep that in mind, and next time you feel like a snask have an apple not a cooki.

Of course you can't expect to get rid of your acne in a few days, natural cure always takes a little time to work. But if you are persistentArticle Search, you will get blemish free skin and will not experience any dangerous side effects that commercial acne medicine has.

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A Review of Laser Acne Treatment
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This Article was written by : Tanya Turner, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at September 11, 2006 and was updated at


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