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Finding an Acne Remedy that Works

Health Articles | November 26, 2009

Take a look at the traditional acne treatments. Most are not effective unless you have mild acne, and for that the best acne remedy is benzoyl peroxide. For more serious cases of acne, a special acne diet is proving to be the best acne remedy available today.

Effective treatment of acne has been elusive. Dermatologists stilldon�t have a good understanding of what causes acne, let alone whichpimple treatment is the best. Benzoyl peroxide gels and creams havebeen treating acne since their discovery in the 1920s and remain themost widespread acne solution even though you would think ourunderstanding of the condition of acne has improved greatly in the lastnine decades.

In truth, most acne therapies, whethernon-prescription or by prescription, are ineffective except in cases ofvery mild acne. What about a treatment based on a holistic acne remedy?The obvious connection between what we eat and a bad complexion hasbeen ridiculed by generations of doctors and the drug companies. Themost recent studies prove that the old way of thinking is no longervalid. (Source: Berra B, Rizzo AM. Glycemic index, glycemic load,wellness and beauty: the state of the art. Clinics in Dermatology.2009:27:230-235) The interest in low-glycemic diets that started withthe success of the Atkins diet for weight loss, has underlined aconnection between acne and diet that was common knowledge within theworld of holistic medicine but rejected (like Atkins) by doctorseverywhere. Until his diet was proven, Atkins was ridiculed. Is asimilar revolution coming for the science of acne?

The bottomline is that what we eat (especially high-glycemic foods) have beenshown to affect how our bodies react to androgen hormones, and it isandrogen hormones that ultimately determine whether or not we haveproblem skin. A good diet may, therefore, be the secret acne remedythat we have been longing for. �

Let�s take a look at each conventional acne treatment to see if one of them may be right for you.

Oral and Topical Antibiotics

Theserious problem of antibiotic resistant bacteria has been caused by thewidespread use of antibiotics. This is the reason that dermatologistsdon't routinely prescribe antibiotics. In fact, the P.Acnes bacteriathat infects blackheads and whiteheads and turns them into red, swollenpimples is now often found to be resistant to antibiotics such aserythromycin. Another issue with antibiotics is that they eradicatebacteria indiscriminately and deplete the �good� bacteria that we needto live healthily. Add to this that antibiotics tackle only one aspectof acne, but does nothing to regulate androgen hormones (the real causeof acne) and it becomes clear that antibiotics are not an effectiveacne solution. Don't bother with antibiotics because in my experience,they aren't very useful and are a hassle to use.

Gels and Creams Containing Benzoyl Peroxide

Thisacne remedy is really quite good if you have only mild acne but lessuseful if you have a serious acne condition. You should try a 2.5%benzoyl peroxide gel or cream if you have mild acne. You can buy itwithout a prescription at your pharmacy. You do not need, and shouldnot use more powerful concentrations (including prescription strength)because studies show that they are in no way more effective than 2.5%,but they make more money for doctors and the drug industy while beingharder on your face.� You can enhance the effectiveness by preparingyour skin first with a salicylic acid pad. You should apply the productthinly over the acne prone areas, not only on your existing pimples,and you should continue to use the product or else your pimples willcome back. Still, I think, benzoyl peroxide is a great acne remedy if you only have a mild acne problem.

Hormonal Acne Treatments

Ifyou are a woman, you might find relief with an estrogen-containingbirth control pill such as Yasmin, or alternatively, a hormonalmedication like spironolactone. Much like the holistic programs, thesemethods will directly affect the androgen hormone issue that causesacne. Talk to your dermatologist to find out if a hormonal medicationis appropriate for you.

Accutane: Serious Medicine

Accutaneis one of the best-known powerful acne medications. The severe sideeffects that come from Accutane make it a treatment of last resort,even though it is often effective. Potential side effects includethinning hair, bleeding gums, liver damage, pain, depression and birthdefects. The fact that Accutane does not work overnight is anotherthing to remember. You will want to disappear for the 6 months to ayear it takes to clear your acne because your complexion will look muchworse during that time. Your skin and lips will be extremely irritatedand dry. This product was recently removed from the American marketbecause of the severe side effects. Do I recommend Accutane? It isproblematic to recommend a pill that has such severe side effects. Ithink that someone who is considering Accutane should first try aholistic dietary acne remedy if they want to get rid of acne. They really have nothing to lose.

Holistic, Natural Acne Remedies

Withthe latest studies suggesting a positive connection between what we eatand acne, the time to try a holistic acne remedy based on diet hasarrived. These programs have cured many people of their acne problemswithout drugs or doctor's bills. These treatment programs are veryinexpensive and worth a try especially if you are thinking of usingAccutane. A natural acne regimen will work more quickly than Accutane,and since they are guaranteed to work (or your money back), it is agood idea to at least test them before committing to a powerful drug.

The one side effect of an acne diet is great health. With the latestevidence starting to support the effectiveness of treating pimplesthrough diet, acne sufferers who try a holistic pimple program mightfind that they have a lot in common with the early devotees of theAtkin�s diet who, in spite of the negative comments from the so-called�experts,� lost an awful lot of weight! Proof is in the results. In afew yearsArticle Search, they might be saying �I told you so.�

Finding an Acne Remedy that Works
Take a look at the traditional acne treatments. Most are not effective unless you have mild acne, and for that the best acne remedy is benzoyl peroxide. For more serious cases of acne, a special acne diet is proving to be the best acne remedy available today.
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What Are The Benefits Of Acne No More
What can a nutritionist, medical researcher and health consultant do for acne sufferers all around the world? If you are talking about Mike Walden who is all of these 3 avocations, then the ready answer is giving you solutions to your acne problems. He is the author of Acne No More, an e-book that contains holistic treatment system for acne. If you have been suffering from acne and never believed that it is still possible to be acne free, then read on. You will learn about something amazing that will leave you acne free forever.
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Finding an Acne Remedy that Works
Take a look at the traditional acne treatments. Most are not effective unless you have mild acne, and for that the best acne remedy is benzoyl peroxide. For more serious cases of acne, a special acne diet is proving to be the best acne remedy available today.
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What Kind Of Help With Acne Do You Want?
Some times we don�t know how to help with acne. Dermatologist, nutritionist, doctors are sometime stomped. So why is this? Why is acne so hard to get rid of on some people? Well it turns out that acne has so many different causes and each person�s cause can be different from others. But for sure liver issues are always present when someone has acne. Checkout this information on liver and acne.
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This Article was written by : Erica Jennings, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at November 26, 2009 and was updated at


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