Health Articles | March 27, 2007 Acne dragging you down? Your acne problem is more than just an acne problem. To some extent, you make it what it is by the way you react to it. In other words, no two people have the same experience with acne, even if they have the same symptoms, because responses to the acne problem differ from person to person. And then again, the way you respond has a lot to do with your total experience with acne. Buck up! It is only acne! For example, if you have a flippant, do not care attitude to your acne problem, chances are that you will not let it get you down. On the other hand, if you really allow your acne to upset you, you are likely to feel much worse about the problem, and may also build up stress. This in turn could prevent you from dealing effectively with your acne. Be well informed about your acne. There are a number of factors that can affect your attitudes towards your acne problem. The most dangerous of these is the possibility that you may be mi...