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Embarrassed by Acne - Teen Acne Information

Health Articles | March 5, 2008

Matured adults and pregnant women who often get stricken by acne are also victimized in the same way when embarrassed by acne.

Teenage or adolescence is the convergence of childhood and adulthood. In this period the mental growth is still incomplete and the maturity level is yet unattained. Also it is that period of life where people stress on beauty and external appearance more than anything else. Acceptance in peer group becomes an important aspect; socializing with people outside family is a common tendency of the developing young adult. In this scenario, if a serious damage in the overall appearance comes in between then it might result in a substantial source of embarrassment. The consequence of this event is not as simple or easy as it sounds since it could exert a massive injury to the person�s self-confidence by heightening the level of frustration to an extreme degree. Nevertheless, this adverse impact of acne vulgaris is not atypical to teens and young adults.

People embarrassed by acne must learn to take it easy. Acne is a very common skin disease and in spite of the fact that there is no permanent cure as yet, it is could be successfully controlled and medically prevented; even the scars could be fixed with innumerable modern medicinal and surgical options within one�s reach. A victim, embarrassed by acne, also feels ashamed of the repulsive appearance and subsequently develops a feeling of shyness due to which one prefers to be alone instead of discussing the problem with anyone, not even a physician. This is why their acne problems remain untreated and the reactions are often misinterpreted.

If a person is embarrassed by acne, he or she should never be left alone with their illogical fear, and frustrating thoughts. Parents of teen or adolescent acne victims must always be informed of what is cooking in their minds. Any sort of underestimation about their problem expressed in the behavior of parents or other concerned persons might lead them feel deserted and misinterpreted. It is not so easy to rationalize things to an adolescent as compared with an adult person. Still, attempts must be taken so that they start believing in the importance of matters other than outward appearance. Get help of professional psychological assistance if you feel that things are going out of hand. Besides, they also must be convinced about the trustworthiness of new advancements in medical science so that they could break the barrier of shyness and approach for proper dermatological advice and treatment. Ridicule or harsh comments on their abnormal behavior or unpleasant look might invite greater dangerFree Reprint Articles, therefore have patience while dealing with them and try to control such reactions.

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Looking for a Diet for Acne that Really Works?
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This Article was written by : Juliet Cohen, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at March 5, 2008 and was updated at


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