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What Grade of Acne Are You Suffering From Now?

Health Articles | May 22, 2008

As acne sufferers, we often shun the topic of discussing our acne problem. But do you know that having some understanding of it can actually help you in your fight against acne?

Understanding the grade of your acne problem is instrumental in deciding the course of treatment and products that will be most effective for it. If you have a mild case of acne, sometimes over the shelf products are enough to help you curb it. But if you have a very severe case of acne, it is best to schedule at least a visit to the dermatologist for professional advice.


In mild acne, the degree of inflammation is minimal, with mainly comedones (blackheads and whiteheads). Small pimples may appear at times, in small numbers. The risk of scarring in mild acne is low. This type of acne is common in adolescents and adults, especially at areas on the nose and forehead. You can usually self-treat mild acne with topical medications easily bought over the counter.


In moderate acne, the degree of inflammation is more intense. There will be more blackheads and whiteheads and increased oiliness of the skin observed. Papules (small reddish bumps) and pustules (small bumps filled with pus) will appear more frequently. The risk of scarring increases with the degree of inflammation. You may also see other areas of your face or body affected with acne. For men, they may find breakouts at the chest or back. For women, breakouts will usually appear at the cheeks, chin and jaw line areas.


In severe acne, the intensity of inflammation increases and extends deep into the skin. Papules and pustules will develop in greater numbers and nodules will appear. The inflamed nodules tend to be painful and often discharge pus. Over the counter creams are generally ineffective against severe acne. Acne will affect other areas of the body such as the chest, shoulders, neck and back. The chances of scarring get higher as the inflammation worsens.

Due to fluctuations in your hormones and other acne aggravating factors, the grading of your acne may get more severe especially if you leave it untreated. Be proactiveFree Reprint Articles, and seek help as soon as you find your acne condition worsening!

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This Article was written by : Angela Tay, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at May 22, 2008 and was updated at


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