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Want the Best Acne Cure? Rate Your Skin First

Health Articles | November 10, 2009

There are probably thousands of different treatments that claim to be the best acne cure. The truth is, what works for one person might not work for another. What works for mild acne might have no effect if you suffer from severe cystic acne. It all depends on the severity of your condition.

If you take a quick look on the internet, thereare probably thousands of different treatments that claim to be thebest acne cure. The truth is, what works for one person might not workfor another. What works for mild acne might have no effect if yousuffer from severe cystic acne. Is Accutane the best acne cure? Sure,it works, but the side effects are so severe that you have to askyourself if it is worth it. Let's take a look at the various treatmentsavailable, and if they are right for. It all depends on the severity ofyour acne.

Mild acne. If you have the occasionalbreak out, and the pimples seem to go away after only a few days, thenthe best acne cure for you is a topical treatment containing 2.5%benzoyl peroxide. You can get this over the counter at a drug store.Stronger concentrations are not any more effective. For best results,apply benzoyl peroxide gel twice per day in a thin film to the areas ofyour face where you get acne. For even better results, start byapplying a salicylic acid cream which will allow the benzoyl peroxidegel to penetrate more deeply. It will take a few weeks to noticeresults and if you stop treating yourself, your acne will return, butmany mild acne sufferers find this treatment is enough for them.

Moderate acne.If you have a more constant set of pimples and they stick around longerand you have deeper pimples, you will need more than a topicaltreatment. Antibiotics used to be a popular choice (both topical andoral) but they are no longer in favor because they have limitedeffectiveness and they promote the spread of antibiotic resistantbacteria. Moderate acne is effectively treated by attacking theunderlying cause of acne: androgen hormones. Women can choose hormonetherapy which in its mildest form involves taking birth control pillswith estrogen. Talk to your doctor.

A holistic approach is thebest acne cure for men and women suffering from moderate acne. Aholistic treatment program will correct your androgen hormone imbalancewith changes to your diet and lifestyle. You can expect to see animprovement in your condition in only days or weeks.

Severe Acne.Topical treatments don't work if you have severe acne. Just like withmoderate acne, the best acne cure for severe acne will go after thehormonal cause of acne. Accutane is an effective treatment for severeacne. Unfortunately, it has its drawbacks. Accutane is a strong drug.There are many side effects such as the risk of birth defects forwomen. You must be monitored by your doctor to ensure that your liveris not put at risk. Also, keep in mind that Accutane is not an instantcure. It can take up to a year for your skin to become clear (and maybelonger if several courses are needed) during which time you will haveseverely dry skin, peeling raw lips and inflamed pimples. If you arethinking Accutane, you must think "long term" because it makes yourskin worse for the short term. All in all, however, Accutane willprobably clear your acne. Just remember it is a last resort.

Thebest acne cure for severe acne is the holistic approach. Just like withmoderate acne, you can expect to see results quicklyFeature Articles, and have clearskin in weeks or months. I recommend that a holistic approach totreating severe acne be tried before pursuing treatment with Accutane.It is never a good idea to subject your body to harsh drugs when somesimple changes to lifestyle can have a similar effect.

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This Article was written by : Erica Jennings, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at November 10, 2009 and was updated at


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