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Home Made Acne Treatments

Health Articles | December 10, 2013

Most people want to treat their acne. So there are many different kinds of acne treatment products. There is one special kind of acne treating products called the Natural Acne Remedy. Unlike the other acne treatment products, Natural Acne Remedy treats acne with natural processes. Since these natural acne remedies are 100% natural, there should not be any side effects to this kind of treatment.

The difference between natural acne treatments products and non-natural acne treatment products is that difference except natural treatment products does not include any side effects. Although natural acne treatment products have been increasing its popularity over the latest few years, another popular type of acne treatment was found, the home made acne treatment products.

Home made acne treatment products may range from natural products to non natural products. The greatest advantage is that one can use different acne treatment products until you find one that they prefer and that works best on them. So this way they do not need to buy many different products to find one that works best but easily make the product at home to try it and then make more when it gives a good result.

Still sometimes these treatment products can be natural, they also give the advantages of natural treatment products, no side effects. They are still acne treatment products but they may take longer to treat the acne, sometimes it may take up to months with a home made acne treatment product to make the acne go away.

Basically home made acne treatments are made with the sources that one has. Since everyone is different, the identical acne treatment product will not give the same results to everyone. So therefore home made acne treatment can quickly find the perfect acne treatment product for you. This type of acne treatment has been gaining popularity for a long time now. This type of acne treatment is also the cheapest kind of acne treatment out there. Some researches have found that other people's remedies for acne will not work sometimes but then when using a home made acne remedy, it could do the job and get rid of your acne.

There is also one bad point in using home made acne treatments. They might not work and may sometimes add to the problem. If the treatment has not been made correctly it may add to the acne problem with side effects and other skin issues. Most people would just use trail and error because most of the skin issues that is caused by a side effect can be cured. It is best to do some research before making your own home made acne treatment product.

Treatments for acne can begin from your kitchen. There are several vegetables and fruits which can be used to cure acne.

Most people are not convinced about the effectiveness of the homemade acne treatments. But if you check the ingredients of popular medicines for acne you will find that most of them consist of substances found in common vegetables and fruits. Acne is the result of the lack of vital vitamins like Vitamin E, Vitamin A and Pantothenic Acid. Deficiency in these vitamins leads to the growth of bacteria that clogs the skin oil. This in turn leads to acne. Most of the medicines try to replenish the essential vitamins, which can be easily got by filling your diet with vegetable and fruits containing those vitamins.

Keeping the skin clean is an important part in the acne treatment. Cleaning the skin with lemon is an effective acne treatment. Lemon is used for several purposes mainly due to the presence of citric acid. The citric acid has several essential properties required to kill the harmful bacteria. Rub lemon on your skin before going to sleep and you will find a clear skin in the morning. Similarly, you can get rid of acne scars by applying tomato slice. Applying garlic on the spots is another effective homemade acne treatment. Mint juice also can remove skin lesions and scars.

Other homemade acne treatments include applying the paste of orange peels. This paste cleans the skin and fights harmful bacteria. Application of raw papayas can also bring relief to acne. Daily application of tea tree oil, coconut oilComputer Technology Articles, lavender oil and jojoba oil before bathing for an hour can reduce acne. Including large amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet and drinking lot of water are part of acne treatment.

The success of homemade acne treatments depends on the dedication shown by the person. Simply rubbing lemon or tomato for a day will not cure acne. All home made acne treatments should be strictly followed for over a period of time.

Information on How to Treat Adult Acne
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Effective Acne Treatment - Treat Your Acne Efficiently
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Acne Treatment Reviews Advice On Controlling Your Acne Breakouts
Acne Treatment Reviews Acne can have a minor form which is common during the teenage years and usually fades away with age and can be easily treated. A more severe form, called cystic acne, can be much more serious. Cystic acne can cause disfiguring dents in the skin which never go away. This article can help you to discover the type of acne you have and what treatment is advised.
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Go On a Diet for Acne to Get Rid of Acne Fast
If you're suffering from acne on your face or anywhere else on your body, you're probably suffering from a little lack of self-esteem, too.� I know, because I've been there.� But I'm here to tell you, with the right techniques, you can become acne-free.� I'm not talking about going to the dermatologist or the doctor's office and getting an expensive prescription for an acne drug or oral contraceptive.� I'm talking about a diet for acne.
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This Article was written by : Sven Hylt%E9n-Cavallius, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at December 10, 2013 and was updated at


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