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Acne Treatment Reviews: Can Spa Treatments Help Acne Scarring?

Health Articles | December 10, 2013

Acne Treatment Reviews It seems like acne is a right of passage during adolescence. There have been enough comedy routines and television shows centered around blemishes to prove that, love it or hate it, pimples are universal! Unfortunately, though, even when the acne departs, it often leaves an unwelcome guest in the form of scarring.

It seems like acne is a right of passage during adolescence. There have been enough comedy routines and television shows centered around blemishes to prove that, love it or hate it, pimples are universal! Unfortunately, though, even when the acne departs, it often leaves an unwelcome guest in the form of scarring. Fortunately for men and women, both young and old, who suffer from acne scarring, there are some spa treatments that can help.

Chemical peels are a wonderful spa treatment that can help reduce acne scarring. The good thing about this technique is that it is actually backed by the Mayo Clinic as a legitimate form of therapy to reduce scars left by acne. When you arrive at the spa for a chemical peel, a chemical solution is placed on the skin. The skin will appear to blister and then the peel will be removed. If you do opt for a chemical peel to treat acne, remember that your skin will have a temporary sensitivity to sunlight after the procedure so use caution. Dermabrasion is another spa treatment that can help acne scarring.

When you arrive at the spa for a dermabrasion, a specialist will use an instrument called a burr to remove the top layers of your skin. You will be given a local anesthetic so that you feel little to no pain during the procedure. In addition to pain you can also expect to bleed a little as the burr is literally "sanding" away layers of skin.

The hope is that the damaged skin caused by acne scarring will be removed to allow for new skin growth. If you are looking for a more painless procedure to treat acne scarring, then consider the benefits of phototherapy. Phototherapy uses a laser or light to kill the bacteria that causes acne. Phototherapy also stimulates the formation of new collagen, which will reduce the appearance of scars.

Depending on where you have the procedure done, there are options of blue light, red light and photodynamic therapy. This type of therapy requires several treatments to be most effective. Even with these treatments available, it is very rare that someone can completely eliminate all traces of acne scarring. Can spa treatments help acne scarring? Of course. Can spa treatments completely remove acne scarring? Probably not.

The best way to combat acne scarring is prevention. If you or someone you know does suffer from acne, try not to pick at your blemishes. Most acne scarring results in over irritation of the skin that cannot rejuvenate itself once the acne goes away. The more you pick at your blemishes, you increase the chance of letting more bacteria into the skin and causing permanent damage.

If you do suffer from acne scarring, take solace in the fact that there are effective treatments available. If you are in a position where you feel your acne scars are inhibiting your happiness and successHealth Fitness Articles, then make a phone call to a local spa and begin to explore the benefits of using spa treatments to help your acne scarring.

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This Article was written by : Sven Hylt%E9n-Cavallius, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at December 10, 2013 and was updated at


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