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What Treatments Will Help Your Acne

Health Articles | March 18, 2009

Are you willing to do what it takes to get rid of acne?� Has your face start to show pimples and acne?� If you want to stop acne, it will take time.� When your body forms blemishes on your face it does this over a long period.� Stopping acne can be done, but you have to have the right information.�

When you develop acne, it can have a major change in your strong and active personality.� It has the power to make you feel helpless, insecure, and bashful.� To get a smooth and clear face, you need a new attitude about your health.� Your acne and treatment that you use for it should start with improving your health.

Hormones that are released by the various organs are controlled by your overall health.� The releases of excess hormones, which cause acne, is a result of your health.� If you do not have a healthy body, then you will have an imbalance in your hormones.� This imbalance may not cause acne, but in many individuals it does.

The medical industry and many dermatologists think that diet does not cause acne.� The result is when they treat you for acne, and they don�t tell you to improve your diet.� Their idea of treating acne is to use drugs and antibiotics.� When you use drugs, they imbalance your hormones even more.� Using drugs can give you temporary relief, but your acne will come back.

If you been struggling to get rid of pimples, then its time to get serious about your acne and treatment.� Take curing your acne into your own hands.� What you have to do is to realize that acne is caused by the food you eat.� The food you eat determines how your body works.� Put good food into your body and gain good health and you will have a clean face.

For you acne, eating a good natural diet is a good start.� By changing your diet, you will not clear your acne in three days.� For your diet to make a change in your body, it takes at least 3 months.� But, if you never change your diet then, it will take forever before you see an improvement in your health and a change in your acne face.

To make your diet more effective, there are some lifestyle changes you can make that will accelerate your health.� First, you can start being more active by not watching so much TV.� The movement of your body helps to route toxins out of your body, so do some exercise.� If you smoke or work where there is a lot of air pollution, you need to consider making changes.� Pollution will definitely shorten your life and create blemishes on your skin during your life time.

So, what should your diet consist of for acne and treatment?�� Here are the foods you need to stop eating and substitute a better choice.� You don�t need to stop eating these foods instantly. Few people can do this. You need to do this gradually. I know it will be hard to stop eating some of these foods that you have enjoyed, over the years.

*�� Minimize the use of breads and other flour products, unless they are made with multi-grains.� When you eat bread, always eat vegetables with it.� Bread and other flour products do not have fiber.� Fiber will help to move the bread through colon must faster.

*�� All foods in packages or boxes are junk food. They take from you because they use up minerals, vitamins, and digestive enzymes during their digestion. They contain no fiber, so they cause constipation.� Foods with artificial flavors and preservatives

*�� Milk is also one of the foods that are over rated and commercials have created an atmosphere that if you don�t drink milk you will lack calcium.� You don�t need milk to get all the calcium your body needs.� Milk has a lot of fat, causes allergies, and mucus.� Milk compromises your health and can cause you to break out with pimples and skin infections and other blemishes.

*�� If you eat fried food, you will want to back off slightly from doing a lot of frying.� The high temperatures used in frying cause the oils you use to breakdown into free radicals.� These free radicals are responsible for many deadly illnesses and cause a disruption of body functions.� If you cook with oil use coconut oil, since it can withstand high temperatures without breaking down.

To have more control over your acne and treatment, you need to improve your health.� If you have a poor diet, then your health has been diminished.� By improving your health, you will start to see changes in your skin appearance, the amount of energy you haveFree Articles, and the excitement you have for life.

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This Article was written by : Rudy Silva, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at March 18, 2009 and was updated at


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