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Does Coconut Oil Cause Acne?

Health Articles | October 2, 2017

I can vouch for the fact that coconut oil does not cause acne. But then, why do some people say that using coconut oil for acne treatment causes more acne? This has something to do with the healing crisis. Read on to find out now...

Coconut oil does not cause acne. The reason why coconut oil gives the impression of causing acne is due to its detoxifying effect.

When you consume so much toxin-loaded foods over the years, it's no surprise that toxins will accumulate in your body. And when your body transports the excessive toxins via bloodstreams to your skin for purging, most toxins get stuck underneath the skin.

It is these blood toxins that feed the acne bacteria, not just the oily substance (sebum) that lubricates your skin. In other words, when sebum mingles with blood toxins, the mixture becomes a power food for acne bacteria to grow like crazy. Overgrowth of bacteria triggers the shedding of dead skin cells at a faster rate, leading to clogging of pores and inflammation.

In view of that, it's not only excessive sebum secretion we have to deal with, but also we have to get rid of the toxic craps "hiding" underneath the skin.

When you apply coconut oil to your skin for acne treatment, it'll draw the toxins up to the surface of your skin, causing the so-called acne outbreak.

That's actually a good thing since coconut oil is helping to purge toxins before it can clear your skin of acne. But many people do not come to realize such acne-healing benefit and they start to freak out at the breakout and then accuse coconut oil of aggravating their acne problems. It's a Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction - a healing crisis actually.

That means, your skin has to get worse before it can get better.

However, not all acne sufferers will get that heart-stopping breakout when using coconut oil for acne treatment. It depends largely on how much toxins you have amassed in your body and underneath your skin over the years. In other words, the more toxins you have, the more severe the breakout you may experience.

Of course, if you have always watched your diet by taking more fruits and vegetables, and less meat and processed food, and take up a regular exercise routine that could help your body to detox well, chances for coconut oil to cause acne breakout are slim. Even if there is one, it won't appear as severe as what some people have experienced.

So, coconut oil does not cause acne, strictly speaking. Even if it does, your skin will heal eventually with regular use of it. And of courseFeature Articles, make sure you stop dumping more toxins into your body or your acne will take forever to clear.

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This Article was written by : Laura Ng, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at October 2, 2017 and was updated at


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