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Top Three Acne Home Remedies: Don't Take Accutane, Fix Your Skin at Home!

Health Articles | August 18, 2009

Acne is one of the most common conditions teenagers and young adults suffer from all over the world.� Did you know that at least 85% of the population between ages 12 and 24 are suffering from acne of some kind?� This is a huge statistic, and yet, with all the technology and progress the medical industry claims it is making, it's amazing they haven't found a true cure for acne.� Thus, those of us who suffer from acne must find acne home remedies all on our own.

If you don't know what's causing your acne, it can be very difficult to know how to treat it.� For example, it's possible that you're touching your face too often, or that the kind of makeup you wear or the shampoo you shower with can be irritating your skin.� Alternately, it might not have anything to do with external conditions, but instead it could be a hormone issue.� The mystery behind acne is why so many people spend thousands of dollars on unnecessary visits to the dermatology clinic only to be sold on expensive products that don't work and drugs that harm the rest of your body.

If you want to find your own acne home remedies, start by analyzing the following practices in your life:

1. Do you put lots of scented lotions, perfumes, hair sprays, or shampoos on your face or scalp?� If so, try discontinuing their use for a couple weeks and see if your acne starts to clear up.� Oftentimes the harsh scents in body products can irritate your skin and make it flare up.� If you need a different shampoo, try using Head and Shoulders or Tresemme with Vitamin B.� These aren't scented with lots of fragrances to make you break out.

2. Do you wear a hat or similar headpiece each day?� Again, go a week or two without it and see if your acne clears up.� The band that rests on your forehead is probably harboring some serious germs that need to be cleaned off, and each day you put it on, you only smear all that dirt and grease right back on your face.

3. Are you currently on a drug, such as Accutane, Tetracycline, or a contraceptive, to rid yourself of acne?� How is it working?� Is it only making you break out more, or giving you additional body problems such as severe drying?� Discontinue use, and start by taking internal supplements such as zinc, Vitamin C, and fish oils.� Even though these are by no means miraclesFind Article, they will treat your entire body a lot better than these aforementioned scoundrels doctors are so quick to recommend you take.

How to Find an Effective Cystic Acne Treatment
Whether you're a teenager suffering from hormonal body acne or an adult who may or may not have experienced acne as a teen, cystic acne can target anyone and wreak havoc on your body.� And if you're looking for a cystic acne treatment, chances are you're going to want something that works all over your body, not just on your face, as cystic acne tends to accumulate on places like your back and chest.
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Top Three Acne Spot Treatment Solutions You Can Use to Kill Your Zits Now
There are many an acne spot treatment that will claim to clear up your acne overnight.� Unfortunately, many of these claims only lead to acne sufferers becoming victims of a good marketing strategy.� Tell me, did that last spot treatment you bought clear up your acne?� Probably not, or you wouldn't be looking for an acne spot treatment right now.
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Top Three Acne Spot Treatment Solutions You Can Use to Kill Your Zits Now
There are many an acne spot treatment that will claim to clear up your acne overnight.� Unfortunately, many of these claims only lead to acne sufferers becoming victims of a good marketing strategy.� Tell me, did that last spot treatment you bought clear up your acne?� Probably not, or you wouldn't be looking for an acne spot treatment right now.
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Acne Treatment Guide - Skin Eruption
Skineruption communally known as acne, from this common condition suffersapproximately 85% of people from 12-25 age range. Acne treatment products actagainst the cause of acne development e.g. limiting the production of sebum/oiland preventing acne lesions. The greasy skin is common known to be the mostvulnerable skin type attacked by acne.
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This Article was written by : Harley Molina, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at August 18, 2009 and was updated at


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