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How to use homemade acne cream easily

Health Articles | May 25, 2010

Acne can disappear on their own withoutany medication. However, they may take a very long time to disappearand become a source of embarrassment. You should try treating acne withhomemade acne remedies, preferably by using homemade acne cream.

What is acne?

Acne is a skin disease that ischaracterised by multiple inflammatory and circumscribed elevation ofthe skin. The disease mainly affects those body parts that have highdensity of sebaceous follicles. Such areas are the face, chest andthe back.

Acne appears as pimples or spots and attimes become very confusing and one can treat pimples while theproblem is acne. Though acne can infect anybody, it is common amongstteenagers. During puberty, male youth produce excess male sexhormones, which causes acne.

Acne can disappear on their own withoutany medication. However, they may take a very long time to disappearand become a source of embarrassment. You should try treating acne with homemade acne remedies, preferably by using homemade acne cream.

Acne causes

The main causes of acne include:

    1. Hormones. Hormones play a part inthe occurrence of acne. Hormonal changes during menstrual cyclesand puberty lead to an increase of sex hormones. This eventuallyleads to the enlargement of follicular glands, leading to acne.

    2. Gene factor. Some families haveacne entrenched in their genes, resulting in the disease beinginherited by offspring.

    3. Stress. Scientific studiesindicate that increased levels of stress leads to increasedoccurrence of acne. Studies also indicate that the onset of stressto an individual who already has acne leads to acne severity.

    4. Bacterial infections. This occurswhen the spores of the skin become infected by bacteria.

    5. Diet. Diet has been noted to playa big role in the occurrence of acne. A diet that is rich in fatworsens acne. Margarine has also been noted to cause or increaseacne in some individuals.

Acne can effectively be treated usinghomemade acne creams. These are creams that are made usingingredients commonly available at home, mostly in the kitchen.

One of the tested and proven homemadeacne cream is the homemade garlic acne cream. This is made bypressing the garlic to obtain the garlic juice. The juice is appliedon the affected areas and leaving on for several minutes then rinsingoff. The garlic juice is very strong and should not be left on theskin for long as it can cause other skin problems.

Those with very soft skin textureshould avoid using garlic juice as homemade acne cream as it can�burn� the skin. Alternatively, the juice can slightly be dilutedusing water to reduce its strength.

It is strongly advised that before theapplication of homemade garlic acne cream, any other body skin creamused should be washed and cleaned out. This is to avoid any chancesof reactions on the skinFree Articles, which can damage the skin.

Exposed Acne Treatment Reviews � 100% Acne-Free Reviews
Acne has been a malady that has been affecting the people for centuries and yet no complete cure was found. Until now, the Exposed Acne Treatment was introduced. This treatment provides you a 100% guarantee of acne free skin, making sure it never occurs again to dissemble you. Read EXPOSED ACNE TREATMENT REVIEWS for more.
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A Review of Laser Acne Treatment
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Exposed Acne Treatment Reviews � 100% Acne-Free Reviews
Acne has been a malady that has been affecting the people for centuries and yet no complete cure was found. Until now, the Exposed Acne Treatment was introduced. This treatment provides you a 100% guarantee of acne free skin, making sure it never occurs again to dissemble you. Read EXPOSED ACNE TREATMENT REVIEWS for more.
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This Article was written by : Luka Malgaj, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at May 25, 2010 and was updated at


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