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Looking for an Effective Cystic Acne Treatment? Here's Three of the Best Acne Treatment Options

Health Articles | October 9, 2009

Are you currently suffering from cystic acne?� If you have hard, puss-filled nodules that just won't budge no matter what you put on them, chances are you have cystic acne.� This painful acne can target victims of any age, so you're not alone.� All you need is a cystic acne treatment that will get rid of your cystic acne and prevent you from getting scars from this very uncomfortable condition.

Here's some of the best cystic acne treatments I know of and have used personally to get rid of my cystic acne:

1. Sulfur topical treatment: This is one of my favorite acne treatments.� I get it for free when I order my Proactiv, and I use it whenever I have a cyst or zit I can't get rid of.� All you do is put it on for ten-fifteen minutes and wash it off with warm water.� Within a week or so, the cyst should be gone.

2. SkinMedica acne cleansing system: This cleansing kit really gets down deep into the pores and takes care of hard-to-get-rid-of acne.� Though at $100 it's a bit on the pricey side, it's well worth the cost, as it does last for a long time.

3. Holistic acne treatment: Your best plan of action when it comes to cystic acne is to go on a holistic acne treatment.� Not only does an internal acne treatment usually wor better than an external oneFree Reprint Articles, it's safer and more effective than dangerous contraceptives or Accutane-type prescription pills.

Your Acne Attitude
Acne dragging you down? Your acne problem is more than just an acne problem. To some extent, you make it what it is by the way you react to it. In other words, no two people have the same experience with acne, even if they have the same symptoms, because responses to the acne problem differ from person to person. And then again, the way you respond has a lot to do with your total experience with acne.
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8 Top Causes of Adult Acne
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This Article was written by : Harley Molina, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at October 9, 2009 and was updated at
