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How To Treat Acne Effectively and Safely - 8 Tips

Health Articles | August 21, 2009

Are you fed up and frustrated about having acne on your skin whether it's your face, back, neck or arms? You're not alone. Acne is a common skin disorder which affects people of all ages although it's usually more common in teenagers who suffer from hormonal changes, a major culprit for acne development. Adults too are not immune from acne. Unfortunately some teenagers who venture into adulthood can't seem to get away with acne and live with it even after becoming adults. It's of paramount importance to know how acne is triggered so that you can take the necessary steps to eradicate it and even prevent it.

To give you an idea how acne emerges from your skin, you should know that your skin contains oil glands which are also known as the sebaceous glands. These glands produce oil which are necessary for the normal function of your skin. But sometimes, the sebaceous glands manufactures excessive oil due to hormonal changes, poor diet, stress and the excessive oil or sebum covers the layer of your skin. As a result, your skin's pores become clogged with the sebum and blocked. The outcome is your skin will get ripped apart when a pimple will pop up underneath your skin. The end result is acne. So now that you know that there is a relationship with hormone, oily skin and acne, you can think of ways to reduce acne proliferation and even prevent it from occuring.

If you're a teenager, usually there is nothing much you can do apart lessening the effect by following a proper diet and dealing with stress effectively because hormonal changes are part of the teenager's life. On the other hand, if you're an adult, by leading a healthy lifestyle, you can hamper the effects of acne and even prevent it from happening. It's fundamental for you to be aware that while there are certain acne treatments and products which work wonders, there are others that can harm your skin. Some acne products can contain chemical components which your skin can't tolerate as it will become allergic and irritated by them. It's important to follow a safe acne treatment where you can treat your acne effectively.

Here is a list of 8 tips how you can do that:

(1) Never squeeze your acne and pimples. In doing so, you remove the pimple but you will create a hole and you can spread bacteria and germs on other areas of your skin. The action is instant I mean you will see your pimples disappear but there can be side effects. Squeezing will also irritate your skin and can cause inflammation and redness. In the worst case, you will leave scars on your skin which are ugly.

(2) Clean your skin regularly with hypoallergenic soaps and cleansers and get rid of excess oil, dirt and impurities. By paying attention to proper skin care, you're already taking a step ahead in preventing acne from appearing. Avoid touching your face when your hands are dirty. If you do, wash your face afterwards.

(3) Drink plenty of water at least 8-10 glasses per day. For best results, carry a big bottle of water with you so that you are more proned to drink water regularly. Water is life and don't underestimate how water can help in treating acne and preventing it as well. Water hydrates the skin and flush out toxins and impurities in our bodies.

(4) Drink green tea at least twice per day. Green tea has antioxidant properties which can help eliminate acne. Also green tea is highly recommended for good health. You can use green tea to apply directly on your skin which contains acne. By tapping the infused green tea extract on your skin with a small towel for about 10-15 minutes everyday for at least 3 weeks, you will start to see your acne dried up and healed eventually. This is a totally natural treatment which have done wonders for many people.

(5) Make use of acne creams made from natural ingredients like aloe vera and green tea to moisturize the skin and keep it fresh.

(6) Eat a balanced diet rich in lean protein like skinless chicken breast, egg whites, salmon, white fish, red lentils, cottage cheese and don't forget to get your fiber and vitamins intake from fresh vegetables and fruits. Opt for healthy cooking oils and fats like olive oil and canola oil.

(7) Avoid or be moderate on oily foods, alcoholic drinks and spicy foods.

(8) Deal with stress effectively and try to avoid stressing yourself as far as possible. Engaging in relaxation exercises like yoga, taichi and undergoing a massage therapy will definitely help releasing endorphins and making you feel good and totally destressed. Performing physical fitness activities like jogging, swimming, cycling, walking and practising a sport such as volleyball, basketball or soccer can get rid of stress and make you forget about your problems and anxieties.

Treating acne effectively and safely should not be taken as a chore but rather as a way of life. It's a proper lifestyle in itself and not only will you benefit as far as acne is concerned but you will get a better health. With time, your acne will be cured naturally and you'll be surprised by the results. The above tips will definitely help your acne skin condition but if it's too serious or aggravatedFree Reprint Articles, you might need to consult a dermatologist to seek his or her advice. Maybe you will require advanced acne treatments wih antibiotics. Acne laser surgery is an option as well but it's costly.

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How To Treat Acne Effectively and Safely - 8 Tips
Are you fed up and frustrated about having acne on your skin whether it's your face, back, neck or arms? You're not alone. Acne is a common skin disorder which affects people of all ages although it's usually more common in teenagers who suffer from hormonal changes, a major culprit for acne development. Adults too are not immune from acne. Unfortunately some teenagers who venture into adulthood can't seem to get away with acne and live with it even after becoming adults. It's of paramount importance to know how acne is triggered so that you can take the necessary steps to eradicate it and even prevent it.
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This Article was written by : Jean Lam, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at August 21, 2009 and was updated at


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