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Acne and Diet: Why You Need to Pay Attention to What You Eat with Acne

Health Articles | August 17, 2009

If you suffer from any kind of acne - whether it's chronic, mild, moderate, or severe - you've probably looked high and low for acne relief.� Like me, you've probably tried a cabinet-full of products that never worked, bought promises from pharmaceutical companies that only drained your money, and you're still suffering from acne.� If this is you, then I know a secret that will help you find acne relief that you cannot find anywhere else.� I'll give you a little clue: it has to do with acne and diet.

You might be asking yourself, what does acne have to do with my diet?� Well, when you think about it, it's quite simple.� Imagine if you ate nothing but donuts and coffee for breakfast every morning, had a chocolate fudge Pop-tart for morning snack, enjoyed McDonald's takeout for lunch, slurped a chocolate milkshake for afternoon snack, grazed on a frozen TV dinner in front of "Law and Order" every night, and topped it off with a bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream for midnight snack.� What would your body look like on the inside?�

You'd be carrying 200 pounds of fat, spiking your cholesterol level sky-high, pumping your blood full of unnecessary sugar, and putting your liver, spleen, pancreas, and intestines into overdrive.� Well, this might or might not surprise you, but your skin would be no different.� It would be suffering the same kind of nutritional famine the rest of your body would experience, except it would be in the form of raging red acne.

So do you see how acne and diet have EVERYTHING to do with each other?� In order to properly get rid of toxins in your body, your organs eject them in all sorts of places, your skin included.� Even if you don't eat all the junk described above, you still probably have no idea what your body really needs to fight off acne.� The more toxins you pour in on a daily basis means the more toxins that come into contact with layers of your internal skin, which will eventually surface, helping cause cysts, zits, pustulesFree Articles, and blackheads - all known otherwise as acne.�

How to Choose the Best Acne Solutions for You
Finding the right acne solution for you depends on several factors including the severity of your acne problem and whether you are a man or a woman. While benzoyl peroxide works well for mild acne, women might try hormonal acne treatments while men can consider Accutane. Both men and women can benefit from holistic acne solutions.
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Acne and Diet: Why You Need to Pay Attention to What You Eat with Acne
If you suffer from any kind of acne - whether it's chronic, mild, moderate, or severe - you've probably looked high and low for acne relief.� Like me, you've probably tried a cabinet-full of products that never worked, bought promises from pharmaceutical companies that only drained your money, and you're still suffering from acne.� If this is you, then I know a secret that will help you find acne relief that you cannot find anywhere else.� I'll give you a little clue: it has to do with acne and diet.
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How To Get Rid Of Nodular Cystic Acne - Natural Home Remedy Treatment Cure
Cystic acne also known as nodular acne is one of the worst types of acne. Cystic acne occurs when you develop cysts with your acne. If not treated properly, this can lead to acne scarring. When there are scars on the skin, your skin is not smooth and this is usually ugly.
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Do You Hate Acne?
Do you hate acne? Acne sufferers are usually frustrated with their acne issues. If your acne has developed fully it is going to take some time before you will see results from your acne treatment. If it has only just started to appear following an acne treatment plan will bring positive results quicker.
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This Article was written by : Harley Molina, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at August 17, 2009 and was updated at


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