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Do Adults Really Get Acne?

Health Articles | March 27, 2007

Most people are aware that teenagers are prone to acne. We have heard a great deal about the hormonal changes that contribute to acne in adolescents. Take a look at any given group of youngsters and you can be sure that at least a few, if not all of them, will be suffering from acne of one kind or another.

You probably remember struggling with an acne problem at some time or other during your adolescence. At the time, it probably seemed like the end of the world. But as the years passed, so did the acne and naturally in time, you forgot all about it.

Could that be acne? But you happened to look in the mirror the other day, and what you saw sure gave you a jolt. Welcome to adult acne. If you ever thought you had finished with acne just because you are no longer a teenager, it is time to come back to earth. It is time to realize that adults do suffer from acne, although it is a little different from the acne that troubles teenagers.

Adult acne, the bad news. In a way, adults have a bigger problem with acne because the kind of acne that develops in adulthood, appropriately called adult onset acne, does not require greasy skin to develop. Dry skin will do just fine.

As far as adults are concerned, men are really in a spot (pun intended) if acne develops on the face. If this happens, shaving can be a tricky and painful business as they negotiate their way around their acne to avoid going through it.

Acne in adults is a complex issue. There is another problem with adult acne. Most of the products on the market are intended for the treatment of acne in adolescents. But they contain substances that irritate the skin of adults. Apart from that, acne that develops in adulthood can last for years and may also cause the skin to age faster. Hormones also play a part here, as women have to deal with the hormonal changes accompanying menstruation and pregnancy. These are conditions that sometimes encourage the development of acne.

Adult acne, the trouble spots. Unfortunately, adult acne also tends to make the skin age faster. In addition, if it is not treated promptly, the scars that are caused by adult acne tend to be permanent. The natural response of the body to acne is to focus antioxidants in the affected area. As a result, the skin of adults who have acne is given to wrinkling.

All of a sudden, adult acne is looking like a rather complicated business, would you not say? And you thought you were through with acne years ago. But it is time to take a look at what you can do about it.

Do not lose heart, you can beat your acne. The best thing you can do about your acne as an adult is to ensure that you maintain a good lifestyle and eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink lots of water and make sure that you get plenty of fresh air. Above all, try not to touch your acne.

Remember that there are a number of products on the market for the treatment of acne. However, many of these products have unpleasant side effects, so you should select your acne treatment carefully. You could perhaps try to tackle your acne the proactive way.

Safe treatments for your acne. Proactive acne treatment relies on natural remedies but not all acne sufferers are convinced of its effectiveness. The proactive approach is about treating acne internally and externally, and you can be sure that it will be completely safe. Proactive products for the treatment of acne have improved in recent years.

One product that has become pretty popular from this perspective is 101E Acne Getaway. This could be just the product for you because it is specially formulated to tackle several skin problems, heal and revive your skin, apart from tackling grease, pimples and blackheads. It will also restore the moisture balance of your skin. You could also consider Oregano Oil RX, which comes in the form of an organic skin care cream, 300% stronger than the conventional oregano oil.

So there you are, even if you have been caught off guard, there is no need to get too upset because there is plenty of help at hand. Your acne need no longer be the nightmare it once wasFind Article, so do cheer up!

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An Overview Of Acne
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Do Adults Really Get Acne?
Most people are aware that teenagers are prone to acne. We have heard a great deal about the hormonal changes that contribute to acne in adolescents. Take a look at any given group of youngsters and you can be sure that at least a few, if not all of them, will be suffering from acne of one kind or another.
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When you're suffering from acne, the last thing you want to do is further aggravate your skin.� But if you're buying prescription topical medications, that's likely exactly what you're doing.� Instead of adding to the probability of getting acne scars and further ruining your self esteem, I strongly recommend something known as a diet for acne.� This is something most doctor's won't even talk about and dermatologists won't even acknowledge, but hey, it worked for me, so it's likely to work for you, too.
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This Article was written by : Louise Forrest, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at March 27, 2007 and was updated at


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