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3 Ways to Get an Acne Cure Fast

Health Articles | August 17, 2009

Is your face covered in acne breakouts?� Are you having a difficult time controlling your acne?� Do you find yourself picking at pimples and trying to pop your zits throughout the day?� If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then it sounds to me like you need an acne cure fast.

The truth is, there is usually nothing "fast" about getting rid of your acne.� Once your breakouts have popped onto your face in full force, the little red army is there to stay.� Thus, to find an acne cure fast, your best offense usually begins with a good defense.� However, if you're truly desperate, here are are three things that can help you get an acne cure fast, especially if you have a special event coming up.�

1. Sulfur treatment: My experience has shown me that a sulfur compound, such as the sulfur cream that comes with Proactiv, is often the best for relieving pimple pain and improving the look of the zit.� Though it may not go away immediately, pimples respond to the sulfur treatment by decreasing in size and often surfacing with a white head.� You shouldn't pick at it, but if you can safely remove the white head once it's protruding, this may help relieve some pressure and improve the look of the pimple.� If it's not ready, don't try to pop it.

To use the sulfur treatment, simply dab a bit of the sulfur clay on top of the pimple, allow it to sit for 10-15 minutes, and rinse off.� This is most effective when applied on a clean face.� Use only in topical places, not all over your face at once.

2. 10% Benzoyl Peroxide cream: When you're looking for an acne cure fast, you can't go wrong with benzoyl peroxide. However, some benzoyl peroxide products only have 2-5% peroxide in them, which means they're not very effective on treating acne fast.� Thus, you'll need to apply a 10%-rich benzoyl peroxide.� I usually find mine at Wal-mart, and their generic Equate brand is usually fairly cheap.

3.� Toothpaste: When used in tiny amounts, sleeping with a dabble of toothpaste on your zit overnight will make it look less puffy and less red in the morning.� Don't overuse this though; as with any product, it can cause problems of its own.� But when used on a topical basis, I've found it can work wonders on a nasty pimple.�

These fewScience Articles, inexpensive products will arm you with the weapons you need to fend off your acne army.

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This Article was written by : Harley Molina, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at August 17, 2009 and was updated at


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