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Three Acne Treatment Reviews to Get Rid of Your Acne Right Away and Forever

Health Articles | August 18, 2009

Many acne treatment reviews will make you think you need to purchase hundreds of dollars worth of acne products to successfully heal your face and skin of acne.� While these expensive products might work for some people, I've found that it's the lesser priced products that work just as well, if not better.

Here are three acne treatment reviews of products I have found to work very successfully.� As an acne sufferer myself, I know exactly what you are going through, and I can tell you with absolute confidence that these are some of the best acne products available.

1. Proactiv: A starting kit for Proactiv runs about $19.99 for a three-piece set with two bonuses.� This kit usually lasts me 3-4 months, so that's only $60 to $80 per year that I have to spend on acne cleansers.� It comes with a benzoyl peroxide cleanser, which I use twice a day, a liquid toner (which I don't use very much, but some find it very helpful), and a 2.5% benzoyl peroxide repairing lotion.�

While I don't always recommend a 2.5% benzoyl peroxide, as it's not very strong, this is a little different.� It's not a spot treatment; you can use it all over the affected areas of your face.� It also works very well for acne prevention as well as acne control and elimination.

2. Microdermabrasion: Within the past two years, I have had 3 microdermabrasion treatments.� I have not needed one since my last visit almost a year ago.� That's how well my face has shaped up.� Originally, I had tons of acne on my forehead and chin (which incidentally left quite a few small scars), but now I have only a few breakouts per month.

3. Acne Free in 3 Days: This program is a must-have for anyone trying to get rid of acne.� At less than $40, you cause use this short 3-day program to start clearing up your acne right away.� It usually takes between 3 and 5 days to take effect.

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Do You Need to Get a Cystic Acne Treatment Quick?
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This Article was written by : Harley Molina, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at August 18, 2009 and was updated at


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