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Tips For Treating Adult Acne

Health Articles | September 1, 2006

Acne, pimples and zits are usually associated with teenagers going through puberty but adult acne is more common than you might think. Most adults, who survived their teenage years with no apparent acne and the lack of bad skin that their peers struggled with are often embarrassed to discover that just when they assumed they were free from acne for ever, they have been afflicted by adult acne. Most of them are embarrassed. It can be frustrating and a little bit confusing. Isnt acne just for adolescents, they think?

But the truth of the matter is that adult acne is more prevalent than you had first imagined. In fact, it is estimated that approximately 40% of all acne cure products in the America alone are sold to individuals with adult acne.

But what causes adult acne? There are many factors involved. But the most commonly attributed reason, that of poor personal hygiene, just isn't based in fact. Nearly every instance of acne, even adult acne, is a direct correlation of hormonal imbalances or blocked pores on the surface of the skin. Some adult acne is also the result of infection of the sebaceous glands or improper closing of the hair ducts on the face. The good news is that all acne is curable to a one degree or another.

Most people are so appalled by the case of adult acne as they run out to the pharmacy and grab first product to get their hands on to combat this menace. But ironically, this can cause more harm than good. Most over the counter acne fighters are made specifically to do battle with teen acne. These medicines and treatments may not have the potency or the capability to effectively deal with adult acne, the causes of which may differ greatly.

While it is true that adult acne is basically the same thing as teen acne, it may require stronger remedies. Whenever one is confronted by adult acne, it is always advisable to consult a dermatologist. The doctor will be able to diagnose the cause of the adult acne in the first place. Once a diagnosis is made, there may be a simple prescription medication that may be able to get rid of the problem forever. But all adults that suffer from adult acne must remember that it really isn't that big of a deal other than for vanity reasons. Like I said earlierFree Articles, adult acne is more prevalent than many thought it was and those that have it are by no means alone. Doesn't it make sense to go for a single visit to the dermatologist to treat the problem than to spend a small fortune at the store trying to find a cause and a treatment? Not to mention the anxiety and discomfort that inevitably accompanies the late onset of adult acne.

Cures for Acne: Is There Really a Cure for Acne?
Suffering from acne?� Tired of spending hundreds of dollars on acne products that really don't work that well?� I feel your pain, because I've been there.� I know what it's like to spend tons of cash out of pocket because insurance doesn't cover much for acne help.� Additionally, finding cures for acne are almost impossible, because there is no such thing as a cure.� It's not X-Men.� It's real life.� Acne is not a disease that can be cured; it can only be controlled to elimination.
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Cures for Acne: Is There Really a Cure for Acne?
Suffering from acne?� Tired of spending hundreds of dollars on acne products that really don't work that well?� I feel your pain, because I've been there.� I know what it's like to spend tons of cash out of pocket because insurance doesn't cover much for acne help.� Additionally, finding cures for acne are almost impossible, because there is no such thing as a cure.� It's not X-Men.� It's real life.� Acne is not a disease that can be cured; it can only be controlled to elimination.
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Do You Want to Get of Your Acne? Try a Diet for Acne
If you're a victim of acne vulgaris, usually just known as acne, you're constantly worrying about how to get rid of those pesky red bumps on your face, back, or chest.� I know, because I've been there.� If you're like me, you've probably taken (or are considering) prescription drugs, prescription topical medications, and other harmful substances to get rid of your acne quickly.� I don't blame you, but that's not always the best way to go about getting rid of acne.� The problem is, these medications usually have a harmful effect on the rest of your body, even if they are effective on your acne.�
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Acne and Diet: Why You Need to Pay Attention to What You Eat with Acne
If you suffer from any kind of acne - whether it's chronic, mild, moderate, or severe - you've probably looked high and low for acne relief.� Like me, you've probably tried a cabinet-full of products that never worked, bought promises from pharmaceutical companies that only drained your money, and you're still suffering from acne.� If this is you, then I know a secret that will help you find acne relief that you cannot find anywhere else.� I'll give you a little clue: it has to do with acne and diet.
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This Article was written by : Morgan Hamilton, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at September 1, 2006 and was updated at


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