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Teenagers and Acne

Health Articles | February 10, 2010

Acne seens to be a name that people of a younger and younger age know all to well. The author talks about acne in teenagers and the fact that if not taken care of properly, acne can produce acne scars. She gives advice on products and ingredients so that no one has to experience what happens when acne is not treated.

��������������� It seems to me, that now a day, acne on the youth of America is becoming apparent earlier than it was before. Some reasons could attribute to the food that we have been eating or the way we go about living our life. But the main reason, in my opinion, for acne starting so early has been that many have started puberty at an earlier than in years before. What is one thing that going through puberty produces on pre teens and teenagers; acne.

��������������� So why is acne so prominent in the years of puberty? This is due to the amount of surging hormones that go running through our bodies causing the skin to produce a lot more of the natural oils that appear on our skin. Due to this reason, the bacteria that can cause acne have a comfortable place to breed and spread. Then acne appears. Although acne can be a very manageable condition, if not treated right and quickly acne scars become the outcome. This last statement right here scares me the most because with puberty and acne starting at such a young age, the recipients have no idea what is happening to their bodies. This leads them to not take the actions necessary for treating acne which in turn, can produce acne scars. So for all of those you teens out there who have begun getting those nasty bumps we have all talked about, start taking action on your acne.

��������������� First step is to find an acne cleanser and cream that works great with your face. From my experience, ingredients of an all natural base seem to work the best with your skin. Especially because there are no harmful chemicals further irritating your already red and irritated skin. Some of the top ingredients that are in the all natural acne market today are derived from plants and fruits that some of us eat on a daily basis. Tangerine Oil is one and Resveratrol is another, one made from the skin of grapes and the other, obviously, made from tangerines.� Both are bacteria killers and both aid in the production of new skin cells to make sure that this issue does not happen again. Also, the ingredient Tangerine Oil acts as an exfoliate cleaning the face of any dead skin cells. Plus, both are super moisturizing and non irritating on a face with acne. Acne creams and cleansers that feature ingredients like these will be a big help in fighting off acne.

��������������� For those of us who have developed acne early and are now a little older seeing the signs of our inaction (acne scars), your search for the best acne cleanser and cream gets and extra word in it; acne scars creams and acne scars cleansers. Although using the above ingredients to further prevent anymore acne breakout is still needed, for the acne scars you will need other ingredients to heal up the wound. These acne scar creams to need to be of an all natural base to prevent further irritation. Ingredients like Rosehip Oil and Acai Berry extract work great for these kind of conditions. Along with the ingredients above, they too exfoliate the skin but they also help the dead tissue. Making skin cells reproduce in the acne scar area to form more tissue is what they are known to do. Acne scar creams and other acne scar products should contain ingredients of these sorts to be considered a good acne scar remedy.

��������������� All in all, we are all growing up so fast. With this accelerated speed of aging it seems puberty will continue happening earlier then we are used to. So instead of being blindsided by the products of raging hormones and having more complicated issues happen later on (acne scars), the pre teens and teenagers need to be prepared and informed. Hopefully with this last statement becoming a realityPsychology Articles, acne scars will be few and far between instead of a frequent occurrence.

Top Four Adult Acne Causes You Can Conquer Without Going to the Dermatologist
Do you suffer from adult acne?� Chances are, if you suffered from acne when you were a teen, you are fairly likely to have some adult acne at some point in your life.� However, if you didn't have much acne as a teen and you have it now as an adult, you're probably wondering why you started having it.� There are many adult acne causes, and no two people are alike in this regard, but there are some common causes for adult acne.
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Acne and Diet: Why You Need to Pay Attention to What You Eat with Acne
If you suffer from any kind of acne - whether it's chronic, mild, moderate, or severe - you've probably looked high and low for acne relief.� Like me, you've probably tried a cabinet-full of products that never worked, bought promises from pharmaceutical companies that only drained your money, and you're still suffering from acne.� If this is you, then I know a secret that will help you find acne relief that you cannot find anywhere else.� I'll give you a little clue: it has to do with acne and diet.
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How to Find a Cystic Acne Treatment That Really Works
No matter how old you are, you are always at risk for suffering from acne.� If your acne is hormonal, chances are you'll also suffer from cystic acne, which is generally more difficult to get rid of than typical acne vulgaris.� Cystic acne is formed like regular acne, except it enlarges your pore and digs down into the lower layers of the epidermis, leaving a hard, puss or blood-filled nodule in your back, face, or chest.� If this describes your acne, you need to find a cystic acne treatment before your skin begins to scar.
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How to Choose the Best Acne Solutions for You
Finding the right acne solution for you depends on several factors including the severity of your acne problem and whether you are a man or a woman. While benzoyl peroxide works well for mild acne, women might try hormonal acne treatments while men can consider Accutane. Both men and women can benefit from holistic acne solutions.
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This Article was written by : Ava Rae Green, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at February 10, 2010 and was updated at


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