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Cause And Treatments Of Acne

Health Articles | November 2, 2010

Most people have had acne at least once in their lives. If you have had acne, you might know how annoying and disturbing it is. So why not find out the root causes and the treatments available for acne? As you read this article, you will find the answers to your questions.

Teenage may be the worst period in a person's life. At the timewhen you will want to be the prettiest among all, these may be quiteembarrassing. Often teenagers are prone to acne, commonly called pimplesthan adults. It is best to keep your head cool and stop worrying asthese are just a welcoming sign of your adulthood.

Most peoplemake the mistake of treating themselves without knowing what are thecauses and treatments of acne. Worst, they will start scratching orbursting them out with their fingers. The best step one should take isto know the root causes and treatments of acne. After knowing the causesand which types of acne you have then only you get the green signal togo for the treatments. But if your pimples grow worst, then visiting aqualified dermatologist is recommended.

Girls and boys duringpuberty in the early stages are prone to pimples due to the hormonalchanges and imbalance. It is at this time the skin tries to adjust withthe hormonal changes taking place in the body. The thousand oil glandsmostly between the nose and cheek areas function to lubricate the skinby producing natural oil and sebum and make the skin soft andmoisturized. The oil cells die and shed off during the skin's renewalprocess which is called sloughing. During this process of renewal, somepeople slough unevenly which results in the dead cells to be sticky andlater clog together and form a plug. These plugs formed during thisuneven shedding process traps oil and bacteria inside the follicleswhich then start to form a lump as the skin continues to its process ofproducing oils. The body's defense system then sends white bloodcorpuscles which attacks the bacteria resulting into a pimple breakout.

Acnein medical term is 'zits' of which the most common is acne vulgariswhich are in different shapes and sizes. Acne vulgaris can also becalled as global skin problem. They leave the skin on the face, back,neck and upper portion of the chest red and swollen and irritating whichbecome worst when left untreated properly. The skin gets protruded andthe puss oozes out.

Acne can be classified into physiological andclinical acne. The first one is harmless and can be treated overtimewith simple medicines and care, while the latter one needs compulsorymedical attention.

The mild acne or physiological acne should betreated first by washing the area at least three to four times a daywith warm water and an oil free soap or acne clearing face wash.However, do not over wash, as frequent washing can harm the skin'snatural oil production and leave your skin dry and scaly. Then, splashwith cold water or pat the skin dry and dab with cotton soaked inastringent to close the open pores. In addition to cleansing, you canchoose some over the counter medicines or creams. But be sure to buy aproduct that is always oil free and with benzoyl peroxide or salicylicacid which kills the bacteria on the epidermis.

Diet is one of themost important skin care regime one should follow to prevent furtheroutbreak of pimples. Avoid spicy and oily foods. Aerated drinks alsocause pimples to grow more. Drink as much water as possible to flush outthe toxins in the body. Lime juice mixed with rosemary show visibleresults if applied regularly at least twice a week. Applying garlicjuice is also a good remedy. Applying sandalwood not only heals the acnebut also further prevents them from occurring.

Assuming these, wecan say that understanding the causes and treatments of acne available,there is nothing to worry about. These skin problems if cared properlywill fade overtime. But if you think the situation to be growing worstPsychology Articles,do visit a qualified dermatologist who will provide you with the righttreatment and further tips.

A Fresh Perspective On Acne Medicines
Everyone of us, even those with the most perfect complexion, have been faced at least once in our lifetime with the problem of a pimple. Acne is something common for the skin. Acne problems signify that you not only have a terrible appearance, but that something is wrong with the way you treat your skin. Acne is often a result of hormones, or of microorganisms, which live on the surface of your skin. Why do they live there? Because you havent taken measures to clean your skin. Acne comes as a consequence of careless treatment of your complexion.
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Best Acne Treatment Cure - How to Fight Acne
Acne, together with all the pimples, blackhead, redness, whiteheads, can be really embarrassing at times.
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How To Cure Acne Scars - Everything Is Within Your Fridge!
It is bad enough having to endure a whole phase of an acne breakout. You think that with the disappearance of that last zit, you are able to finally be beautiful again - until you look at your face closely and see the several discolorations and even worse, ugly dents as well as depressions on your face. Unfortunately, your battle with acne does not end in the removal of that last inflamed pimple. How to cure acne scars is the next problem you need to face. Fortunately, you can find several proven natural methods to totally eradicate these unsightly traces of your acne.
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Natural Remedies for Fighting Acne
If you have acne, it's possible that like many people, you put your solefocus on it as if it were the only skin care issue that is importantMostly, though, acne is something that is going to go away sooner orlater. Meanwhile, you'll have to live with your skin your entire life.You should keep your skin as healthy as you can while you battle youracne problem. Keep reading because we'll discuss a number of ways ofaccomplishing this.
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This Article was written by : Javies Phaltual, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at November 2, 2010 and was updated at


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