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The Types Of People Who Get Acne

Health Articles | December 12, 2013

Acne is a skin disorder that affects millions of people around the world. Acne occurs when there is an excessive secretion of sebum, a substance from the hair follicles. The excess secretion becomes the target for dust and bacteria to accumulate to later develop into acne.

Acne is a skin disorder that affects millions of people around the world. Acne occurs when there is an excessive secretion of sebum, a substance from the hair follicles. The excess secretion becomes the target for dust and bacteria to accumulate to later develop into acne.

Acne can affect people of all ages and races. But occurrence of acne is very high among adolescent people. According to studies, almost 85 percent of adolescents and young adults within the age range of 12 and 24 years old develop acne to a varying degree.

During adolescence, the hormonal levels of a person become elevated and they stimulate the sebaceous glands which are attached to the hair follicles. As an effect, greater amount of sebum is secreted.

The ages of 10 and 13 are when young people are most vulnerable to acne. Normally, acne usually lasts for 5 to 10 years although there are many cases where one experiences acne up until a later age.

People with poor hygiene are at a risk of getting acne. Since acne is caused by bacteria, people who are exposed to dust and dirty and do not wash their faces during bed time will most likely develop acne. Also, a person who uses dirty pillowcases will have higher risk of getting acne.

Acne can also be inherited. So people who have a family history with acne will be at risk of developing acne too.

People who take certain drugs like those used to treat epilepsy and depression may be at risk of acne breakout.

Acne affects both men and women. But among men, the likelihood of getting more severe and long lasting forms of acme is higher compared to women. Even then, more women have close relationships with their dermatologists than men.

Intermittent acne affects women due to hormonal changes that usually come with their menstrual cycle. This kind of acne is also caused by excessive use of cosmetics. Some cosmetics, especially those which are not oil-free or non-comedogenic may actually affect the pores of the skin and later develop acne.

More women compared to men are getting infected with perioral dermatitis characterized by small pustules and papules form on the chin and around the mouth.

Men and women who love to wear tight hats, backpacks, jeans, or any tight gear and paraphernalia are at risk with developing acne because skin friction can create irritation and may eventually trigger acne.

Middle aged adults are most likely to get affected with Acne Rosacea. The effect of this kind of acne includes flushed face and red nose due to inflamed bumps.

Infantile acne affects newborn babies. This is a mild kind of acne caused by fetal hormones. After a few weeks, infantile acne just naturally disappears.

More men are affected with a severe form of acne called Acne conglobata. This kind of acne is an advanced form of nodular cystic acne vulgaris and this can extensively attack the faceHealth Fitness Articles, chest and back.

Another interesting study states that occurrence of acne is higher among Caucasians compared to other colors.

A Fresh Perspective On Acne Medicines
Everyone of us, even those with the most perfect complexion, have been faced at least once in our lifetime with the problem of a pimple. Acne is something common for the skin. Acne problems signify that you not only have a terrible appearance, but that something is wrong with the way you treat your skin. Acne is often a result of hormones, or of microorganisms, which live on the surface of your skin. Why do they live there? Because you havent taken measures to clean your skin. Acne comes as a consequence of careless treatment of your complexion.
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Acne Medicine - 4 Breakthroughs
If you could be assured of an acne medicine that absolutely worked on your acne symptoms, wouldn't you be willing to try it out.� There are several new breakthroughs that show real promise in treating acne.
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Acne Medicine - 4 Breakthroughs
If you could be assured of an acne medicine that absolutely worked on your acne symptoms, wouldn't you be willing to try it out.� There are several new breakthroughs that show real promise in treating acne.
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6 Ways To Stay Acne Free This Winter
Acne is considered as one of the biggest enemy of our face as it can ruin the beauty and appearance of any individual. Acne becomes worse during the winter season, so you need to take extra precautions during this season. Visit a cosmetic clinic to get rid of acne scars.
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This Article was written by : Sven Hylt%E9n-Cavallius, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at December 12, 2013 and was updated at


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