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Can You Find a Cure for Acne?

Health Articles | September 13, 2009

Too many acne companies will tell you only what you want to hear when it comes to finding a cure for acne.� They'll tell you that their products are the best, the only ones that really cure your acne, and that you're wasting your money buying a competitor's product.� True, this is how most companies operate, but here's where they're going wrong: There is no cure for acne.�

On the bright side, there are several products, treatments, supplements, and cover-ups that can help you control, eliminate, and mask those ugly red spots on your face.� What you need to know is how to dig through all the rubble of acne products and find the diamonds in the rough that really work for your skin type.

Here are some of the most popular products available when it comes to finding acne cleansers and products that work for skin.� Some of them are kind of expensive, and others are more affordable, but it's up to you to find out which ones will work for your individual skin type.

1. Proactiv: As an avid Proactiv user, I can honestly say Proactiv works.� Not that it's a miracle drug, or that it cured or completely eliminated my acne.� However, it's the best cleanser I've found that sloughs off old skin cells and does the best job of keeping many breakouts from appearing on my skin.� You can plan on spending anywhere between $20 and $70 online for Proactiv, depending on the kit you choose to get.

2. Skin Medica: This one ranges a little bit on the pricey side; however, most adults who have suffered from acne say it does a great job when it comes to reducing the acne, oil, and shine on their faces.� At a whopping $100, it's actually gone down a bit in price from when I first heard about it.� Like Proactiv, it comes with a cleanser, toner, and repairing lotion, but it doesn't come with any bonus extras, unlike Proactiv.

3. Murad: Murad actually comes with four different treatment containers, and is very like Proactiv in the way it deals with acne, oil, and shine.� It's a great alternative if you've tried Proactiv and found it doesn't work too well as a "cure for acneFree Web Content," so to speak.

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Top 3 Homemade Acne Remedies For Easy Acne Treatment
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Acne Treatments and Prevention Information
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Acne Warriors: The Good, The Bad, and The Just Plain Dangerous.
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This Article was written by : Harley Molina, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at September 13, 2009 and was updated at


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