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The tretinoin ointment cure acne

Health Articles | October 22, 2012

Many young people have been experienced the pain of disgrace caused by acne. According to the views of the dermatologists, the most commonly used to treat acne is tretinoin ointment, because of the eager of curing acne.

many patients were smearing this ointment to face in the morning, some patients even smear three times a day, did not according to the instructions on the method and dose, it often cause adverse reactions.�Tretinoin manufacturer�remind patients with acne, retinoic acid ointment should wipe at night.

Acne, also known as "whelk", is achronic inflammation of a sebaceous hair follicles, occur in the active partssebaceous glands, such as the face, chest, back. Showed a variety of damage,such as acne, inflammatory papules, pustules, nodules, cysts and scar. Retinoicacid ointment is a topical preparation, different pharmaceutical manufacturersproduce are different in ingredients, but the main ingredient of this drug isall-trans retinoic acid A melting horny induced epidermal hyperplasia, through swaphair follicles sebaceous gland epithelial keratinization the abnormalitiesprocess to exfoliate, and thus play a role to prevent and eliminate acne. Tretinoinis used to treat acne, psoriasis, ichthyosis, lichen planus, palm toe keratosispsychosis keratinizing diseases. Also used as cosmetics material, have agood effect on acne skin. Applied twice daily concentration of retinoic acidointment in the treatment of facial acne, each painting should be less than0.05% is appropriate, do not use during the day, because of retinoic acid have stimulatingeffect on the skin, if applied to the skin surface during the day, faces iseasy to cause erythema, burning sensation, and by the sunlight shining is proneto pigmentation, this reaction is increased with the increase of theconcentration of drug, therefore, retinoic acid ointment in the treatment offacial acne, do not use during the day, should be used at evening or bedtime (ifthe stimulation is too strong then use every other day). It should be notedthat at the beginning of using, there will be some slight irritation, the skin alwayscan adapt it and resist, the stimulation phenomenon is also a drug effect, is anormal phenomenon, may gradually fade away over a period of time, if thestimulus persists or worsen, please under the guidance of a doctor or suspendthe use of it. While using tretinoin ointment do not use other drugs, avoid strongstimulation. Some patients use retinoic acid ointment in the treatment of acne,it will aggravate skin lesions at the begainning, but there will be better after3-4 weeks, so don�t be afraid.

In order to prevent the growth of acneeffectively, you should pay attention to the daily lives. Eat less animal fat,high-sugar, spicy, fried food, less drink liquor, coffee and other stimulatingdrinks, eat more alkaline vegetables, fruits, and the usual food, usually thewater to maintain good gastrointestinal function. Learn to self-conditioning. Cleaningthe skin regularly, commonly used warm water containing sulfur or otheranti-inflammatory substances fat soap wash the affected area, do not use tooirritating soap and oily cosmetics. Not use hand to pull or squeeze of acne,aggravate acne skin vulnerable to infection due to dirt on the hair and bacteriaon the hands, and squeeze of acne can cause permanent pitting scars, leavinglife-long regret. Maintain optimism. Recurrence or worsening of acne is oftenassociated with mood swings, usually should emphasize the need to maintain astable mood, relax, eliminate stress, anxiety, worry, and to ensure adequaterest and sleep. Also can take a walk, listening to music, swimming to reducethe psychological pressure, to eliminate acne as soon as possible. Do moresubstantial movement to accelerate blood circulation, promote the body's wasteexcreted timely, so that the skin in the process of constantly sweating poresunobstructedFree Web Content, then promptly cleaned.


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This Article was written by : David Yvon, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at October 22, 2012 and was updated at


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