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Acne Cures Based on Diet Gaining Ground

Health Articles | December 4, 2009

New studies reveal what holistic acne researches have known for years: diet influences acne. Will this new evidence prompt doctors to reconsider their opposition to holistic acne treatments? Time will tell.

Choosing the right foods is a controversial way to treat acne. But alot of people have been effectively cured by the popular holisticdiet-based acne cures that are sold online. Acne treatments that arecentered on food have not been taken seriously by doctors because the proofto support them has been anecdotal. The link between what we eat andour skin condition has been revealed by the latest study. I expect theholistic acne cures to build traction and acceptance over the next fewyears as more researchers examine the evidence and recognize the benefitsof eating properly over their current ineffective treatments.

The usual acne treatments prescribed by doctors have not been veryeffective for many acne patients.� Typically, the first productprescribed to an acne patient is a topical benzoyl peroxide cream andperhaps topical or oral antibiotics. Antibiotics eliminate the P.acnesbacteria that lives on the skin surface and infects blackheads andwhiteheads and turns them into pimples. Similarly, benzoyl peroxideeliminates this bacteria and also helps to unclog pores. Unfortunately,it is only helpful in cases of mild acne.

But acne is acomplicated disease and bacteria is only one part of the equation.That's the problem. Bacteria can make acne worse but it doesn't causeit. Acne is actually caused by a complex process involving androgenhormones and how our bodies react to our androgen hormones. People canhave acne with no bacteria present. Fighting acne with antibacterialagents fights the symptoms of pimples but not the actual cause of acne.You cannot cure a disease by tackling the symptoms. Even if theirsymptoms are reduced, a cycle of dependency is created� where theycannot stop taking the medication or their acne will return. Eventhough the results are often disappointing, the acne sufferer has tokeep buying medicine month after month, at considerable expense.

Although not a problem with benzoyl peroxide, the use of antibioticshas caused the occurrence of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteriato increase alarmingly. We have no weapons to use against the newsuperbugs we are producing. Humanity is facing a serious threat.Doctors no longer routinely prescribe antibiotics for infections thatdon't absolutely require them. This is the responsible thing to do. �

The other major weapon in the dermatologist�s arsenal is Accutane.Accutane use should not be taken lightly. It is a drug of last resort,although it can be effective in curing acne. The severe side effectsassociated with its use have caused it to be removed from the Americanmarket. Accutane does not work overnight. While most people are awareof the side effects, they have to be prepared to look much worse for upto a year while they are on the drug. �

The fact that dietinfluences the production and synthesis of androgen hormones hasrecently been proven by a medical investigation. (Source: Berra B,Rizzo AM. Glycemic index, glycemic load, wellness and beauty: the stateof the art. Clinics in Dermatology. 2009:27:230-235) Acne can be cured,or reduced, by following a healthy diet as described by the popularholistic acne treatment programs available on the internet. It remainsto be seen if this new knowledge will have any influence over howdoctors choose to treat their acne patients. This is, however, greatnews to acne patients who have been disappointed with the results theyhave been getting from traditional medical approaches. With drugcompanies poised to lose a lot of moneyFree Web Content, doctors will be pressured tocontinue to prescribe these old fashioned remedies. Acne is a hugemulti-billion dollar industry that carries on in spite of the fact thatthe acne cures the industry provides are ineffective for manycustomers. This might stop if word gets out that making someadjustments to your diet is all it takes for many people to break freeof their acne.

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Top Three Essential Supplements You Need to Add to Your Diet for Acne
You've probably heard of how you should avoid caffeine, chocolate, fried foods, and similar no-no's if you want to get rid of your acne.� Unfortunately, most people also suggest you go on prescription medication to get rid of your acne as well, which causes problems of its own.� The last thing you need when you're getting rid of acne is to be worrying about what problems your medication is causing.� The best solution to this problem is to go on a diet for acne specifically, one that is not expensive, doesn't require eating disgusting food, and is truly effective in getting rid of those pesky red lumps all over your body.
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Top Three Essential Supplements You Need to Add to Your Diet for Acne
You've probably heard of how you should avoid caffeine, chocolate, fried foods, and similar no-no's if you want to get rid of your acne.� Unfortunately, most people also suggest you go on prescription medication to get rid of your acne as well, which causes problems of its own.� The last thing you need when you're getting rid of acne is to be worrying about what problems your medication is causing.� The best solution to this problem is to go on a diet for acne specifically, one that is not expensive, doesn't require eating disgusting food, and is truly effective in getting rid of those pesky red lumps all over your body.
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Effective plus efficient Adult Acne Treatment Methods
The fact is that most people with acne are adults, adolescents, and women. And there are many acne treatments that they select from the treatment at home until the medication.
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This Article was written by : Erica Jennings, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at December 4, 2009 and was updated at


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