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Acne Free in 3 Days Book - Natural Remedies For Acne

Health Articles | July 24, 2009

Acne is is a common skin condition that millions of people suffer from, worldwide. While acne is not a life threatening disease, it can have a big emotional and social impact on your life. More and more people are looking for more effective and permanent solutions to acne and related skin care problems. The Natural Remedies For Acne provides information on natural, permanent and safe alternatives to getting rid of acne.

No matter how hopeless you may be feeling right now, you need to know, and believe that acne can be treated naturally, safely and successfully. You can become acne free, and regain your soft smooth complexion without spending ridiculous amounts of money on prescription, laser treatments, surgery and over the counter acne medications. Furthermore, prescription and over the counter medication, only provide a temporary fix so, to get relief from your acne, you'll have to use them continuously; often times, causing further damage to the skin, or as in the case of Accutane, the side effects can be even more serious.

Here are some great natural home cures for acne that are cost effective as well as very effective against mild to moderate acne.

- Apply aloe vera juice or gel on acne pimples and sores. Do this before bedtime everyday until the acne is gone.

- Clean your skin and apply either lemon juice with a cotton swab. The acid helps flush out the pores and keeps the skin looking clear and fresh.

- Use the same process as with lemon juice, but use apple cider vinegar instead. Vinegar helps remove excess oil, kills bacteria, and normalizes the skin's pH.

- Steam bathe your face by putting it over a pan of boiling water with a towel over your head to trap the steam. This pries loose the dirt and oil. Follow this up with applying vinegar with a cotton swab to remove the dirt and oil buildup. Repeat this process twice a week to get clear skin again.

- Boil 2-3 teaspoons of dried basil leaves in 1 cup of boiling water for about 30 minutes;. After it has cooled down, apply it to the affected area with a cotton swab. Repeat daily until your acne disappears.

- Boil a handful of green beans with chamomile tea for about 20 minutes. Let it cool, strain and apply apply it to the affected area with a cotton swab. Repeat daily until your acne disappears

- Likewise, apply cucumber juice to the affected area with a cotton swab. Repeat daily under acne disappears. As an alternative, drink four or five cups of cucumber juice daily for a week for similar results.

- Apply a paste of egg-white with a cotton swab, after you have washed the affected areas thoroughly and apply a . Let it stay on for at least 4 hours.

- Thorougly mix one tsp of grapefruit seed extract in half a cup of water and apply to the affected areas with a cotton ball two or three times a day.

- Dab fresh lemon juice with a Q-tip to the affected area before bed and let it stay overnight. Wash off in the morning.

- Mix 2 teaspoons of molasses with one teaspoon of sulphur in half a cup of water and take twice daily to cleanse the blood.

- An effective East Indian remedy involves mixing 1 tablespoon of neem oil with 1/2 cup of olive oil and applying to the affected area with a Q-tip. If irritation occurs, dilute the neem with more olive oil.

- Cook and cool oatmeal and apply to affected areas for about 30 minutes. Repeat daily for a week to get good results.

- Dilute 3 drops of oregano in half a cup of water and dab affected areas using a cotton swab. If irritation occurs, add water to further dilute the solution.

- Dilute 4 drops of tea tree oil in half a cup of water. Apply the solution to the affected areas two to three times daily until you see positive results

No one method works the same for everyone. Experiment with combinations of these natural cures to help you determine which methods are best for your own skin.

Whatever your acne condition is, stop making the same acne treatment mistakes that just adresses the symptoms of acne. To get to the root causes and get rid of acne permanently, you must consider making specific life-style changes to get your body to its original healthy balanced state. Tis involves taking a holistic approach to curing acne permanently.

The Acne Free in 3 Days eBook provides a natural and scientifically proven way to get permanently clear skin in just three days! This easy step-by-step natural process will have you looking and feeling better and giving you a renewed sense of self-esteem.

For more information on Acne Free In 3 Days and other Holistic Acne Cure programs, visit Natural Remedies For Acne. People who have used these programs experienced permanent results using these methods, and additionally, found their liver, kidneys and digestive organs functioning optimallyArticle Search, as beneficial side effects.

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This Article was written by : Art Lewis, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at July 24, 2009 and was updated at


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