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How to Get Rid of Acne with Natural Remedies

Health Articles | October 29, 2006

Acne and most other skin condition are really difficult to get rid of unless you know the cause of your acne. Most people don't know what the cause is and in most cases neither do their doctors. Discover what approach you can take to get rid of your acne.

With the vast number of creams and lotions available in the local pharmacy you would think that they could get rid of acne, but not all of them work. Every person is different and the cause of their acne may also be different. So this means that for you to get rid of your acne you would need to try many different creams and techniques, unless you knew exactly what was causing your acne. Then you could buy exactly the product or service that could eliminate your skin problem. For example, to get rid of acne caused by infection, you might need to use an antibiotic cream or antibiotic capsules. But, to get rid of acne caused by excessive oil secretions, you might try Azelaic acid cream. Or, if your acne was caused by poor diet, then using a cream that had a form of vitamin A might help you get rid of acne. But if hormonal acne was your problem, then internal cleansing, supplements, including fish oil, could get rid of your acne. Even though teenagers, and indeed, anyone affected by acne wants to get rid of this condition right away, you must remember that acne is a normal and natural part of growing up. Hormonal balances or imbalances might cause acne related problems for the time being. But it is rarely, if ever, permanent. Acne, no matter how severe it seems to be, does disappear once the pubescent changes are completed in the human body. But for those of you that are older, then hormones many not be the issue and to get rid of this acne requires some serious nutritional steps and facial applications which require the help of a professional nutritionist or dermatologist. Here are some tips that you can experiment with to see it they will get rid of your acne. If you are a lady who wears foundation makeup, look at the ingredients in your makeup. If it is an oil-based product, your foundation may be the culprit behind the acne problem. Change your makeup to one that has a water base and your skin can breathe a little easier. And, you may also go very lite on the makeup or go without make up to see if you acne lessens. Wash your face consistently twice a day using a mild soap, such as pure glycerin. Mild is the secret technique. Harsh soaps can actually aggravate your skin. Also, make sure that you rinse your face thoroughly. A trace of soap can aggravate your acne. Try regular old benzoyl peroxide, which is among the most tried and true home acne remedies there is. It is also an extremely inexpensive solution that has stood the test of time. The secret behind the benzoyl peroxide's effectiveness among the home acne remedies is oxygen. Oxygen kills the bacteria lying under the surface of the skin and deep into the pores. Try applying toothpaste to the affected area at bedtime. Make sure to use traditional toothpaste instead of gels or whitening paste. When you wakeup, you will find a small remnant of the acne, if any at all. Finally, you can try washing your face with sea salt and distilled water. After that, squeeze some lemon juice on your face and finally wash your face with glycerin soap Trying to get rid of acne can really create stress and emotional problems. So by trying many different creams and remediesScience Articles, you may find the answer on how to get rid of your acne.

How to Get Rid of Acne with Natural Remedies
Acne and most other skin condition are really difficult to get rid of unless you know the cause of your acne. Most people don't know what the cause is and in most cases neither do their doctors. Discover what approach you can take to get rid of your acne.
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Removing Acne Scars as Part of an Acne Treatment
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What Grade of Acne Are You Suffering From Now?
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This Article was written by : Rudy Silva, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at October 29, 2006 and was updated at


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