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Acne Prone Skin Care: What's Causing Your Acne, and How to Fix It

Health Articles | September 28, 2009

Have you ever stopped to wonder what lifestyle-related activities might be causing your acne?� I'll give you a hint; it's not just things like eating chocolate and having oily skin that lead to nasty red bumps on your face, chest, and back; there's lots of other factors that come into play with your acne.� Here's some of the causes of acne that you might not know about, as well as a solution for acne prone skin care that you might want to look into.

Causes of your acne could include:

1. Exercise: I love to work out, on my elliptical, the weight machine, stretches, free weights - you name it.� But it wasn't until I talked to my dermatologist about my lifestyle that she told me my exercise could be a contributing factor in my acne.�

2. Hormones: It's not just the hormones in your body that might be causing acne.� Added hormones in milk, red meat, and other farm produce can lead to weight gain, early puberty, and acne in many individuals.

3. Stress: There's not much you can do about controlling the stress in your life with acne prone skin.� There's ways of dealing with it, but the bills still come, there's still rent to pay, you still have to study for that final exam, etc.� No matter how you personally deal with stress, the way your body handles your stress in a subconscious manner could lead to increased acne all over your body.

So how do you go about finding acne prone skin care in these situations?� Well, if you're an avid work-out fanatic, make sure you take a shower (with soap, not just a rinse-off) after every workout session.� Washing away the sweat that pools up on your skin will decrease the chances of acne forming.�

As far as hormones go, you might want to consider finding organic meat or milkBusiness Management Articles, if you think you're eating or drinking enough hormone-injected foods to make a difference in your acne.

Acne - Back Breakouts � What�s The Deal With Acne On Your Back?
Back acne comes in all sizes and forms of acne, ranging from mild forms like whiteheads to serious forms of acne including cystic acne.
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Acne - Back Breakouts � What�s The Deal With Acne On Your Back?
Back acne comes in all sizes and forms of acne, ranging from mild forms like whiteheads to serious forms of acne including cystic acne.
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Acne Facts, Myths & Treatment
People of all races suffer from acne, In the US 85% of everyone aged between 12-24 develop some form of acne, that amounts to 17 million people making it the most common form of skin disease.In the UK 80% of 11-30 year olds will suffer from acne at some point.Acne symptoms tend to disappear for the majority of people when they reach their 30�s, however people can still suffer from acne well into their 40�s & 50�s.
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Top Three Acne Home Remedies: Don't Take Accutane, Fix Your Skin at Home!
Acne is one of the most common conditions teenagers and young adults suffer from all over the world.� Did you know that at least 85% of the population between ages 12 and 24 are suffering from acne of some kind?� This is a huge statistic, and yet, with all the technology and progress the medical industry claims it is making, it's amazing they haven't found a true cure for acne.� Thus, those of us who suffer from acne must find acne home remedies all on our own.
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This Article was written by : Harley Molina, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at September 28, 2009 and was updated at


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