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12 Natural Tips To Cure Acne

Health Articles | February 10, 2009

Acne is an inflammatory condition of the sebaceous glands. Usually, the lesions are located on the face, neck, chest and shoulders. Acne usually occurs during adolescence due to hormonal changes that occur in that period. So much so that c is also six of ten young people between twelve and twenty-four years suffer some degree of acne.

Acne is an inflammatory condition of the sebaceous glands. Usually, the lesions are located on the face, neck, chest and shoulders.

Acne usually occurs during adolescence due to hormonal changes that occur in that period. So much so that c is also six of ten young people between twelve and twenty-four years suffer some degree of acne.

However, ta mbién may occur in women who ingest contraceptive e n middle age related, rather. with the normalization of intestinal functions.

In this regard, we present several traditional remedies, homemade and very popular used to combat acne, among which we mention the following:

Folk remedies

Popular remedy # 1: You can cut a carrot of regular size and then cooked with water lame-nor possible. Then it is mashed and left to cool to apply on the affected areas for about 20 minutes.

Popular remedy # 2: Another remedy referred the application several times a day, the pulp of aloe or aloe vera on the grains of acne.

Popular remedy # 3: In some parts of Central America, expresses a lemon and the juice is extracted from one or two drops to be placed directly on or grains. This action can only be done at night because of days lemon juice may stain the skin.

Popular remedy # 4: In the cases of adults who suffer from constipation it is recommended to combat this evil, since this will disappear after acne. In this sense, they recommend taking a sage tea three times a day as a purifying effect

Popular remedy # 5: Igualmente, garlic has been used to treat acne since ancient times. It should be rubbed with raw garlic several times a day over the area of the face where the acne is located. Garlic also helps clear the skin of black spots.

Popular Remedy # 6: Another remedy widely used for skin problems, and especially acne that appears not only in the face but also elsewhere in the body, are the bathrooms plantain. It should aim at a handful of these leaves should be boiled in 1 liter of water for 5 minutes. After that time, the school cook and add to bath water.

Popular Remedy # 7: Soak for twelve hours a tablespoon dandelion root 1 / 4 liters of water. Boiled, and gets to drink small sips fasting.

Popular Remedy # 8: A natural remedy that we believe is quite curious to tender in the morning and at night, on the affected area moistened gauze in their own urine or a small child.

Popular Remedy # 9: You can peel a cucumber and then rállelo or cut into very thin slices and soak them in rum. Is applied to areas affected by 20 minutes.

Popular remedy # 10: Mix 1 / 2 cup of milk and three tablespoons of oats, stir until it thickens; COOL before applying to the face for 15 minutes.

Popular remedy # 11: Apply a paste made of baking soda mixed with vinegar diluted apple cider, and then complete a clean water rinse.

Popular remedy # 12: Mix 7 drops of essential tea treeArticle Search, rosewood 7 tablespoon tablespoon of lavender and 5 with gauze and pass this mixture on the skin previously cleaned with a mild soap with no color and no flavor. Do this 2 to 4 times a day on the grains of acne. (Remedy Aromatherapy)

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Acne and Related Disorders
Acne commonly erupts in areas of maximal sebaceous gland activity: the face, neck, chest, shoulders, back, and upper arms. Acne is rarely misdiagnosed. It is easily recognizable by both the patient and the practitioner. The management of acne, however, is frequently complex.
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Acne and Related Disorders
Acne commonly erupts in areas of maximal sebaceous gland activity: the face, neck, chest, shoulders, back, and upper arms. Acne is rarely misdiagnosed. It is easily recognizable by both the patient and the practitioner. The management of acne, however, is frequently complex.
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This Article was written by : Dino Morela, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at February 10, 2009 and was updated at


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