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3 Tips You Should Know About Preventing Acne Breakouts

Health Articles | November 5, 2009

Acne is something that almostnobody wants to have and preventing acne is something that almost everybody tryto achieve. The fact is, the major reason why we are attracted to other peopleis simply because of their skin conditions. So, ho do we take care of our skinand prevent ourselves from suffering acne? This article will show you how.

Preventing acne is actuallynot only for teenagers but also for adults as well. Different from popular belief,anybody can experience acne at any age. However, it is most generally happen toteenagers because of their imbalance hormone. Naturally, this is simply part ofteenage years.

Here are the 3 tips youshould know for preventing acne:

1. Change your diet to ahealthy diet. Healthy diet is a must for a healthy life and to prevent acne. Tohave a healthy skin, you need to consume vegetables and fruits. Eat vegetablesand fruits for snacks instead of your regular chips or fries. You must at allcost avoid eating junk foods. You should also avoid eating process foods.

2. Drink more water daily.You need to drink more water daily. The minimum requirement is 8 glasses of 8ounce glass daily. Water is good for expelling toxins from your body andincreasing your metabolic rate. To maintain an acne free skin, you need todrink plenty of water.

3. Consume health supplementsand multivitamins. Health supplements and multivitamins can aid in preventingacne breakouts. It works by assisting your diet to work more efficiently andeffectively. �Among the vital vitamins for skin care are:

Vitamin A � Vitamin A is able tostimulate growth and is vital to our skin and eye health. If you prefer to havevitamin A naturally, then foods such tomatoes, citrus fruits, carrots andyellow squash are good sources of vitamin A.

Vitamin B�� Vitamin B will help prevent skininflammation.

Vitamins C & E�� Vitamins C & E can help protect ourbody. Their antioxidant properties are also vital to make our skin healthy.

Zinc�� Zinc also contain antioxidantproperties for making our skin healthy. In addition to that, it is also vital forthe correct functioning of our immune system.

ButPsychology Articles,multivitamins must not be made a replacement for consuming healthy foods. Toomuch consumption of any vitamin is very dangerous and can be toxic. You need toconsult with a physician prior to taking any health supplements ormultivitamins for preventing acne.

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Acne- An Introduction
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Choose from These Acne Solution Options You Can Do at Home Without a Prescription
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This Article was written by : Mohd Hizer Hasan, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at November 5, 2009 and was updated at


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