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Acne Natural Remedies to Clear Your Acne in a Week or Less

Health Articles | August 18, 2009

Teen acne and adult acne are often caused by hormones.� Acne starts when your pores get plugged up or when your sebaceous glands produce too much oil.� Your hormones dictate how much oil your sebaceous glands produce, and when your hormones are irregular, so is the oil production in your glands.� This leads to an overdose of oil poured out onto your face, back, and chest, and causes the insurmountable pain and embarrassment of acne pimples, blackheads, and cysts.� To combat this, you need to find acne natural remedies to control your acne.

Some acne natural remedies are just plain hoaxes.� Others are wives' tales that may or may not work for your skin.� And yet others work very well for lots of people, and will clear up your acne without causing you to go to the doctor for an Accutane or birth control prescription.�

So are you ready to find acne natural remedies that work for you?� Here's three to get you started.

1. Zinc: Taking zinc internally is your first step to clearing up your face.� Zinc is a powerful supplement that targets the bacterial development in your skin and clears away the stuff that's plugging up your pores.� Take one 50 mg tablet every day with lunch.

2. Orange Peel: Next, you're going to need something to put on your face.� Grate an orange peel with a grater or knife, mix the shavings with a little bit of water or lemon juice, and apply the paste to your face.� The Vitamin C in the orange will calm down the pores and clear out your glands.� Another good way to increase your Vitamin C intake is by taking a 1000 mg (1 gram) tablet every morning with breakfast.

3. Aloe Vera: Now you'll need something to tame down the redness.� I've found that applying aloe vera to my zits works much like applying it to sunburn: it soothes the pain, calms the redness, and relieves the puffiness and inflamation.� You can also put a pack of ice on your zits to reduce the swelling and inflammation.

Acne Exercise - How Exercises Can Reduce Acne
Exercises not only are they good for health and general wellbeing but they contribute to reducing acne. People who are affected by acne should exercise regularly. Stress is among the main causes for acne because it results in the over-production of hormones and exercising has the added benefit of rebalancing these hormones, hence reducing acne.
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Skin Care: Acne skin care
Acne is defined as a diseased condition of the skin that involves thehair and oil glands. It is characterised by pimples, black/white heads,reddishness and cysts. Face acne can spoil your appearance to a greatextent and body acne can really ruin your day by making you veryuncomfortable. Considering acne as a minor problem, some people tend tototally discard the topic of �Acne skin care�. However, the importanceof �Acne skin care� cannot be undermined in any way.
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Acne Skin Treatment - Learning The Causes Of Acne And Find Out How To Deal With Them
Like most youngpeople, acne is a problem that everybody has to endure, including me ofcourse.At one time, acne has tremendously affected me personally. This haveafflictedme with a horrible complexion and make myself lose self-confidence.Fortunately, with the complete study I have done to search for an acneskintreatment, I finally come across a very simple, low-cost cure for myacneproblem that are generally executed in three simple easy steps byknowing whatare the components affecting acne.
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Acne Treatments � What Choices Do You Have?
Acne is a very common skin concern among women. There are also anextensive variety of acne treatments available on the market - fromanti-acneic cleansers and moisturizers that serve to control acne tospecialized acne spot treatments that work to heal stubborn pimples andblemishes.
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This Article was written by : Harley Molina, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at August 18, 2009 and was updated at


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