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Acne Issues??

Health Articles | October 30, 2011

Being a teen is stressful enough... if you have acne, it can seem devestating. Find out some ways to limit the amount of acne you may experience.

If you have a teenager or if you remember your teenager days, you probably know what a pain skin issues, particularly acne, can be.
Because acne is often visible to others, appearing on the face or neck, it can easily cause someone to feel self-conscious. �The good news is that there are things your teen can do and be aware of that can help them kick acne to the curb! �So, if you have a teenager who is wanting to put a new face on this school year, share with them about what makes acne worse and what the best ways are to care for it!.
Acne Aggravators�
  • Fluctuation of hormone levels in teenage girls (and adult women) 2 to 7 days prior to the start of their period
  • Bike helmet, backpack, and tight collar irritation (i.e. wearing any too tight)
  • Pollution and high humidity
  • Squeezing or picking at pimples
  • Scrubbing the skin too roughly

What to do for blemishes�
  • Gently clean skin with a mild cleanser in the morning, evening, and after strenuous workouts (i.e. football, softball practice, etc.).
  • Avoid squeezing, picking, or pinching pimples � all of which can result in scars or dark spots (no way to take a yearbook photo!).
  • If your teen is using an acne medicine, they should be very careful about protecting their skin from the sun � many acne medicines can make people more likely to burn.
  • Encourage your son to shave carefully. �Softening the skin with soap and water before putting on shaving cream is a good idea. �Don�t shave more than necessary.
  • Help your daughter find oil-free make-up. �Also, look for the word �noncomedogenicBusiness Management Articles,� which means that the make-up won�t clog pores.
  • Shampoo hair on a regular basis.

TIP: �Help your kids reclaim their skin by encouraging them to follow these simple tips!
Source: �Acne.� �National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases.�

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The Types Of People Who Get Acne
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This Article was written by : Shannon Miller, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at October 30, 2011 and was updated at


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