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What Is Cystic acne?

Health Articles | September 12, 2010

When people face the problems of acne, they just go and start treatment right away but this may be the wrong approach because you have to determine which type of acne is in question in order to better tackle the problem. In this article, we discuss the cystic acne.

Acne is an exceptionally common skin predicament that sometimes develops in an instance when follicles get blocked with microbes trapped in them. You can find a considerable number of variations of acne breakout while the disease disturbs nearly almost everyone in certain stage in our lives, and especially at the teenage years.

The surface of your skin constitutes in skin pores, or very small openings called follicles, and deep within every pore at the base of every hair follicle is a sebaceous gland which releases a natural type of oil that is known as sebum that serves to maintain the skin and to give it to be flexible. As hair grows via the surface of the skin, oil leaks out onto the surface of the skin and is afterward got rid off by regular cleansing, including dead skin cells. This natural course of action is however disrupted when a pore gets obstructed and dead skin and oil add up inside the blocked pore creating the ideal thriving ground for microbes and also the evolution of acne.

A familiar type of acne is seen as white spots that are essentially caught pus created from a mix of old skin cells, white blood cells and bacteria. This trapped pus can also frequently lead to a red and infected space within the perimeter of the spot or pimple.

Suppose spots emerge with a black instead of a white head we obviously specify them blackheads, but what is not necessarily usually believed is that the too are a type of cystic acne. But the material that's caught under the surface of the skin pops up through the skin and the black color is the result of a chemical reaction with the oxygen in the air which turns the mix of sebum and dead skin cells black.

A lot of people might be afflicted by mere blackheads and whiteheads and, while they usually are unsightly, they can be dealt with all of which will cease to exist in time. On the other hand, cystic acne spots are often 'self- treated' by squeezing or popping them and this is the worst thing that can be done because it might both make easier to spread the cystic acne bacteria(making the issue a lot worse) and can as well cause damage to the skin resulting in cystic acne scaring.

Acne is not however limited to simple whiteheads and blackheads and there can be other varied varieties of acne breakout typically referred to as papules, nodules or cysts. Every single form of acne breakout features a a bit different underlying source, and for that reason treatmentPsychology Articles, and so it is important that you have your specific kind of acne breakout diagnosed by a medical expert or a skin doctor before choosing one of the best acne breakout treatment for your individual situation.

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This Article was written by : Reuben Oyeyele, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at September 12, 2010 and was updated at


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