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How To Cure Acne Scars - Everything Is Within Your Fridge!

Health Articles | April 4, 2012

It is bad enough having to endure a whole phase of an acne breakout. You think that with the disappearance of that last zit, you are able to finally be beautiful again - until you look at your face closely and see the several discolorations and even worse, ugly dents as well as depressions on your face. Unfortunately, your battle with acne does not end in the removal of that last inflamed pimple. How to cure acne scars is the next problem you need to face. Fortunately, you can find several proven natural methods to totally eradicate these unsightly traces of your acne.

It is bad enough having to endure an entire phase of an acne breakout. You think that with the disappearance of that last zit, you can finally be beautiful once again - until you take a look at your face closely and see the several discolorations and worse, unsightly dents as well as depressions on your face. Unfortunately, your battle with acne does not end in the removal of that last swollen acne. How to cure acne scars is the next problem you have to face. Fortunately, there are several proven natural methods to totally eliminate these unsightly traces of your acne.

Simply peek inside your refrigerator. Everything that you need to remove your scars naturally is found within your very own refrigerator. Here are a few simple home-made remedies to try, as well as simple routines you can start doing:

1. Strike a friendship with fruits and veggies. If you are one of those individuals who believe that fruits and veggies are not really their cup of tea, you are going to have to make a change of heart right now. These nutritious food groups contain an amazingly huge amount of minerals and vitamins that your body needs to restore your skin's clear, radiant glow and to repair damaged skin layers such as your scars.

2. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Hear this: even experts strongly believe that drinking plenty of water is the most effective way to fade acne scars. Why is this so? Our skin needs sufficient water in order to complete its shedding of dead skin cells. More water means quicker cycles of dead skin cell removal. Scar tissue from acne is found on the outermost layer of the skin that is gradually peeled away through skin cycles. Now, you will not look at your glass of water the same way again.

3. Protein is power. Make sure to include protein sources such as fish, soy, chicken, and tofu in what you eat, because these food sources contain protein which also facilitates the healing process of the skin.

4. Olive oil and lavender oil are master skin rejuvenation agents. Yes, the ever-popular olive oil is not just healthy and nutritious, but it also fades acne scars at the same time. Take a small amount of olive oil and gently rub it onto your scars daily, preferably at night before you sleep. It is during sleep that all the body's repair and rejuvenation takes place, hence it is better to make this part of your nightly regimen. If you do not have olive oil, lavender oil also does the same job, with the addition of skin cell regeneration.

You need not acquire expensive creams or undergo invasive and abrasive procedures in order to get rid of your scars. With these natural ways on how to cure acne scars, before long you will be well on the way to a much more radiant and repaired skin. Add to these routines regular exercise that gets the blood circulating (and as a result, hastens tissue repair), and you will be able to see obvious results within the first few days. Be patient as good things do not come easily. With discipline and consistency in using these home-made remediesFind Article, pretty soon you will already be saying farewell to your acne scars.

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This Article was written by : Wilma Davis, Discuss about Health Articles, it was published at April 4, 2012 and was updated at


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